- Post author:Kim Devall
- Post published:March 28, 2021
- Post comments:0 Comments
Ever feel like you’re doing everything right and still not seeing the results you want?
Well, you’re not alone. I’ve been there too. However, there are seven reasons women over 50 don’t get results from working out. And, the good news?
They can all be “fixed”!

Whether you have a goal to lose body fat or gain muscle, when you don’t get the results from working out that you want it can be incredibly frustrating, discouraging, and disappointing. You may start thinking…
Nothing will work.
It just isn’t possible for me.
I’m too old.
And unfortunately, this often ends with giving up.
New here? Thanks for stopping by or welcome back. After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.
Let’s draw a line in the sand. I’ll share the reasons and the changes you may want to consider so there will be no more thoughts of giving up. Deal?

1. You won’t get results from working out if … you’re not consistent.
Working out once this week and twice next week, skipping the following week etc won’t get you results. You need consistency. If you’re just getting started, try committing to twice a week. Then, increase to 3 – 4 or 5 days per week over time.
Twice a week, even if you’re consistent, likely won’t get you any significant results, but it is step one in creating a consistent workout habit. If you’re looking to sculpt your body by losing body fat, and building muscle, I recommend you work up to a minimum of 4 days per week.
2. Take some time to evaluate your expectations
I’m incredibly impatient so I totally understand that you want to get results from working out NOW. Wouldn’t it be so much more motivating if every time we worked out we could look in the mirror and see a change? If only it worked that way.
The truth is it takes far longer to build muscle and lose body fat than you probably think.
You may want to have firm muscles or lose 15 pounds by next month, but is that really realistic?
Just because we want it doesn’t make it possible. And, unrealistic expectations set us up for one thing… disappointment, which often leads to quitting.
Not only will you not get results when you quit, you are likely to gain more body fat and continue to lose muscle.

3. No magic pills or potions
Often related to unrealistic expectations is the notion that you can find a quick fix. A special fat burner, a supplement, that burns fat instantly and allows you to eat anything you want.
Or a special diet, “just eat these 3 foods for 6 weeks and you’ll lose 20 + pounds”. You think, “I can do anything for 6 weeks!”
And, you might even drop those 20 pounds on the scale. You think, “Yes! I found the secret.”
Except 2 months later…
… you find that not only did you gain the 20 pounds back, but you gained an additional 5 pounds.
This is incredibly common and if you’ve been on a “diet” before, you may have experienced something similar.
There is no quick fix…
At least not one that lasts.

4. You won’t get results from working out if… you ignore nutrition.
Your workouts cannot make up for poor nutrition! How much you need to focus on nutrition will depend on your goals and how fast you want to see results. One thing is true for all of us, we cannot completely ignore what we are feeding our bodies and expect great results from working out.
If you are eating too many calories, you will not lose body fat. If you are eating too few calories, you will not build muscle.
And, it isn’t just about calories.

For best results, I also recommend keeping your macronutrients in balance. In case you aren’t familiar with macronutrients (ie. macros), these are the protein, fats and carbohydrates in the foods you eat.
And, the best way to know if you’re getting a balance of these nutrients is to track the food you eat. If you have never tracked your food before, you may be surprised at what you find when you do.
For more info on macros, you may want to check out “5 reasons you want to start counting macros today”.
5. Cardio, Cardio and more cardio
When you think about losing body fat or exercising, does your mind automatically go to cardio? Maybe it’s walking on the treadmill, going for a run, or taking a spin class…
While cardio does burn calories, and it’s great for improving your cardiovascular system, cardio does not build muscle.
In addition, women tend to overemphasize cardio in their workout routines.
And, as women over 50, we are already battling with the natural loss of muscle, we don’t need any extra help from too much cardio.
How much is too much cardio, you ask? Well, that depends on your body, your genetics, your goals and your current fitness level.
If cardio is the only type of exercise you enjoy and will do consistently, then by all means, keep up with your cardio.
My preference, however, is to incorporate strength training to get results from working out.
6. You won’t get results from working out without strength training
As I’ve mentioned before, we started losing muscle naturally in our 30’s. The pace of muscle loss gradually picks up speed in our 50’s and beyond; however, you can slow, stop and even reverse this natural muscle loss through strength training.
You can lose weight on the scale without strength training. But, when you lose weight through only diet or diet and cardio, you are not just losing body fat. A portion of those pounds lost is MUSCLE.
The result?
You weigh less, but look the same or maybe even “softer” or flabbier.
Yikes! That is not what we are going for.

By adding strength training, you are building muscle. Muscle makes us look tight and firm, not jiggly. Muscle also burns more calories than fat- all day long too.
Since muscle burns more calories, as you lose muscle, you are burning fewer calories.
If you eat the same calories when you are 50 that you ate when you were 40, assuming all else remains constant, you will gain weight since your body needs fewer calories due to less muscle.
This loss of muscle may only account for a pound or two a year. So, that doesn’t sound like a big deal.
Except, that could mean 20 extra pounds by the time you’re 60!
7. You won't get results from working out if...Workouts are not challenging enough
If you have been working out consistently for a year or more and have not seen any significant results, it is likely that you are not challenging your muscles to grow. We get stronger by overloading our muscles – pushing them to do more.
What often happens is that we get comfortable. Let’s say you always do 10 bicep curls with an 8-pound dumbbell. After a while, those 10 bicep curls are getting easier and your muscles have no reason to get stronger.
If that’s the case, then maybe it’s time to add an extra rep or two or pick up the 10-pound dumbbell. Even, if you can only get a couple reps using the 10-pound dumbbell, that’s ok. Just make sure you still have good form and don’t need to swing your whole body just to lift the weight. Do as many reps as you can with the 10-pound dumbbell, then finish your set with the 8-pound dumbbell.
Now, you are challenging your muscles to continue to grow and get stronger.
Ready for a fresh start? Grab your copy of a free workout plan.
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