- Post author:Kim Devall
- Post published:June 21, 2021
- Post comments:0 Comments
I want an amazing physical transformation. I’m daring to dream big – I’M GOING ALL IN! I want a kick-ass body. One that turns heads. A body that proves women at any age (even over 50) can have phenomenal muscles. One that gets me stopped by complete strangers who are in awe. One that makes me smile when I look in the mirror, knowing I worked hard and I LOOK FREAKING AMAZING.

Tell me it can’t be done and I WILL SHOW YOU. I want an out of this world amazing transformation. The time is NOW.
Do you REALLY?
It’s time to take action.
You’re super pumped and excited. Your heart is racing with excitement.
You’ve created your ultimate goal… to create an amazing physical transformation.
What happens between the moment you set your goal and the time to take action?
Do you start doubting yourself? Decide it will be too hard? Put it off for later?
New here? Thanks for stopping by or welcome back. After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.
Well, if you’re not getting the results you want, or you find yourself losing the motivation BEFORE you even get started, you may want to consider…
Why do you want to create an amazing body transformation?
The late German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, said it well in his quote “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” Simon Sinek also stated “ It is not logic or facts but our hopes and dreams, our hearts and our guts , that drive us to try new things” in his book Start With Why.

When you have a powerful reason WHY you want to achieve your goal, it makes it far more likely you will actually achieve your goal.
You want to create an amazing body transformation! Regardless of how you define this for yourself (it will be different for everyone), it will take HARD WORK. It will most likely require a change in your nutrition and exercise.
So, before you do anything else…
Why do you want an amazing body transformation?
Think about what will motivate you to continue eating healthy foods, skipping the candy bar snack, exercising etc.
When you don’t feel like it.
How will your life be different after you achieve your amazing body transformation?
Closely related to knowing WHY you want to change your body is to think about how your life will be different once you achieve your goal.
Picture SUCCESS. Picture your future. Really see it.
What will be different? How will you feel? More confident? Proud? Sexy? Will you smile at your reflection in the mirror? Will you go shopping for new clothes? Maybe a hot new bathing suit?
You can be sure there is no straight line to the body you have pictured. There will be ups and downs, steps forward, backward and forward again. The secret to success is to keep moving forward, even when you want to stop.
The biggest struggle is most often within our mind.
We struggle with the desire for the future we have painted and the instant pleasure we get from the bowl of ice cream.
This struggle is REAL and you are not alone. We all have this same struggle. The best way to achieve your goal, despite this struggle, is to know everything you have to gain by achieving your goal. Start a list. What do you gain by achieving your goal?
What do you lose?
As incredible as your body transformation will be, there will no doubt be a cost to achieving it.
You’ll want to weigh the “cost” of achieving it against the “benefits”.
Most likely you will need to give up something you enjoy (ie. the costs) to get that amazing body transformation.
Maybe that is that evening bowl of ice cream, or the Netflix binge every evening as you relax after a long day.
Once you’ve compared the costs and benefits, you can make a clear decision if the benefits outweigh the costs.
What if you do nothing? You ditch your dream of an amazing body transformation.
Doing nothing is a choice. It is a decision. It is always an option.
Consider the benefits (ie. what do you gain) by not changing.
There is nothing wrong with staying the same IF you’ve made a conscious choice that you want to stay the same. Maybe, you have decided that you are perfectly happy with your body, your life just the way it is, then by all means keep doing what you’re doing!
Making changes can be scary. No matter how bad things are, we are comfortable with what we know and uncomfortable with the unknown. Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you. Your incredible body awaits you.
What if you don’t believe you can do it?
If you’ve tried in the past and been unsuccessful, you may not truly believe you can actually create an amazing body transformation. Without belief in yourself, hitting your goal becomes incredibly difficult. Almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
This may take some time to work on. Seeing is believing. Even getting those first small wins makes it much easier for us to believe we can achieve bigger goals. BUT, how do you get started?
Think about it this way… You are smart. You can learn new skills. You can make changes. You can transform your body IF you want to.
What if you achieve your amazing body transformation?
I truly believe we can do anything if we want it badly enough, have a realistic plan and timeline, prepare and commit to the long-term journey.
What does success look like? How does it feel?
When we can imagine the future, we gain hope and optimism which makes the journey all that more fun and SUCCESS more likely.
Far too often, we start to “downsize” our dreams as we get older. We begin thinking, women over 50…
- Can’t build muscle
- Don’t wear bikinis
- Need to act their age. We’re not 20 any more.
- Gain weight, get flabby arms, slow down etc etc.

If you’re like me, you’d like to break the rules and PROVE them wrong.
Before you jump all in, creating a phenomenal body transformation will take work. You will likely want to lose body fat and build muscle. Both take a lot of effort. Neither happen overnight. So, first, reflect on the following questions:
- Are you willing to commit to making some changes?
- How will your life be different if you make these changes?
- What will you give up or lose as you work toward your transformation?
- What do you gain if you stay the same?
- How bad can things get over time if I do nothing now?