14 ways an accountability coach gets you amazing results faster

You want amazing results.  You want them fast.   But, how?

It’s actually quite simple.

The fastest way to your amazing results is with an accountability coach.

What exactly does an accountability coach do?  How can they help you get the amazing results you want FASTER?   If you’ve been going it alone, and you’re not seeing the results you want, an accountability coach just might be your answer.

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Wondering if an accountability coach is right for you?

What is an accountability coach?

In general, an accountability coach is someone who can help you reach your goals following a proven path with more confidence and fewer missteps.

What does an accountability coach do?

Identify exactly what you want to accomplish

An accountability coach can help you get clear on the exact goal you want to accomplish.  They can also help you fine tune your goal into a SMART goal.  In case you aren’t familiar with SMART goals, a SMART goal is specific, measureable , attainable, realistic and time-bound.

Set realistic timelines

You want results.  I want results.  The problem with that….

We often want results faster than is possible.  An accountability coach can help you set realistic timelines so you avoid unnecessary disappointment and frustration. 

Create specific action steps

Having a goal is critical.  What’s even more important?  The specific action steps needed to reach your goal. Your coach will help you design the action steps that are best for you and the goal you want to achieve.

Stay on track

Have you ever fallen off track?  A missed workout turns into weeks of missed workouts.  A weekend binge turns into more of the same.  Then come thoughts of “I really need to get back on track.”  But, how?  The routine is gone.  It feels like starting all over again!

Taking a day off,  enjoying a weekend binge of nachos and margaritas isn’t going to hurt you.  A coach will help get you right back on track without missing a beat.

Shines light on blind spots

We all have blind spots that may be keeping us from hitting our goals.  An Accountability coach sees what we can’t.    And we need to see them in order to change them.

Support, support, support

An accountability coach offers support.  Support can come in a variety of ways.  Answering questions, providing encouragement, listening, course correcting and so much more.

An Accountability Coach will keep you honest

A coach won’t just tell  you what you want to hear.  They tell you what you need to hear.  You want results.  It’s your coaches job to help you get those results. And, the only way to get results is to be honest with ourselves.

Motivates and inspires

Motivation comes from within.  An accountability coach can help you find your motivation.  They can also help you develop the discipline to keep moving forward even when you don’t feel like it.   They can lead by example and share success stories of other women just like you to give you the inspiration to keep moving forward.

Tracks your progress

How do you know if you’re making progress toward your goal?  Track it.  What and how much you track is up to you.  You can track the workouts, how much weight you lifted, the number of reps, how you felt, the foods you are eating, your weight, how much sleep you got.  The list could go on and on.  You and your coach can decide together what makes sense for you.

Just knowing someone else is tracking your progress can also help keep you more accountable to your goals and the action steps needed to get there.

Excuses eliminated

If you haven’t used an excuse or two along your fitness journey, well, you might not be normal.  We all have excuses.  It’s part of being human. 

I’m too tired, too busy, I’ve got an important deadline at work – top the list of excuses.

In the moment, they almost always feel like good reasons for not doing what you committed to doing.  A coach will help you maneuver through the excuses so you actually make the progress you want.

Prepare for obstacles

It’s not if, but when will an obstacle occur.  An accountability coach will help you prepare for obstacles.  When you have a plan, obstacles won’t derail your progress.

An Accountability Coach will Challenge You

Getting stuck in our comfort zone happens to all of us.  How long have you been lifting that same dumbbell for the same number of reps with the same amount of rest between sets.  Maybe it’s getting a bit too comfortable, a bit too easy?  A coach will keep you challenged so you keep making progress and avoid the dreaded plateau.

Never go it alone with an Accountability Coach

With a coach, you are never on this journey alone.  Family and friends may tire of hearing about the extra rep you cranked out today or the frustration you are feeling because the scale went up .4 of a pound.  Your coach is with you for the long haul and understands the ups and downs of the journey.

Celebrate your wins

Every win – no matter how small it may seem – deserves a celebration.  No, not with cake and ice cream.   Celebration, nonetheless.   Maybe it’s hearing “Great job!” or maybe it’s time to celebrate with a massage, or a new workout  top.  A coach will remind you to stop and appreciate how hard you’ve been working, give yourself some kudos or a pat on the back.

It’s amazing how the celebration/recognition of even a small win can energize you for your next hard workout!

Do you need an accountability coach to get results?


Research shows that when someone publicly shares their goals, they have around a 65% chance of success. However, having a specific accountability partner boosts that chance to 95%.

How disciplined are you?  Will you follow through on your action steps even when you don’t feel like it?   If so, then you may not need an accountability coach.   

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