Are you in the midst of a body fat loss plateau?


You’re lifting heavier weights.  Feeling stronger every day.  Your waistline is shrinking.  Your arms are looking more defined and then…


Weeks seem to go by with no progress.


What the heck is up with that?

Unfortunately, plateaus are part of the process.  So, I can pretty much guarantee you that you will hit a plateau at some point. But, there are ways to avoid a plateau or at a minimum get out of one quickly. Plateaus apply to both weight loss (ie. body fat) and strength training. Today, I’m going to focus on the weight loss (body fat) plateaus.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

In most cases, women use the bathroom scale to judge whether they’ve hit a plateau or not.  There are a variety of reasons, you should not rely on the bathroom scale for determining whether you’ve hit a plateau or not.  For one, assuming you are also following a strength training program (which, I highly recommend), you are building muscle which weighs more than body fat. Check out “5 ways the scale is lying to your dream body” for even more reasons to be skeptical of your daily weight fluctuations.

How do you know if you’ve hit a body fat loss plateau?

So, if/when you get to a point where you feel you are not making progress.  By progress, I mean you haven’t lost any weight and your measurements have not changed.  Remember, the scale may not always move.  You can be losing body fat and gaining muscle and the scale won’t move.  So, before you jump to “I’ve plateaued!”, ask yourself these questions:
  • How do I feel? 
  • Do I feel stronger, more energetic?
  • How do my clothes fit?  Muscle takes up less space so your clothes may fit looser.
  • Have my measurements changed?
  • Am I still tracking my food?  Have I veered too far from my calories/macros?
  • Am I still exercising with the right frequency and intensity?
  • Do I feel I’ve been stuck for at least 60 days?

What to do when you hit a body fat loss plateau?

 If it’s only been a few days or weeks, give it more time. 

I know it’s hard to stay the course when it feels like it’s not working.  Your body is adjusting. 


Staying consistent with your nutrition and fitness plans is critical.   This is also the point in time to double check what you’ve been doing.


I mentioned it above, but this is worth saying again…


  • Are you tracking your calories and macros?
  • Are you watching your portion sizes? 
  • Better yet, are you measuring the foods you eat? 

Let’s take a look at peanut butter.


The peanut butter jar states a serving is 2T, which is 32 grams, 180 calories and 16g of fat. 


Do you measure out the 32 grams or just grab a scoop out of the jar. If you’re scooping, how can you be sure you’re only getting 32 grams?


What if that scoop of peanut butter is 50g?  Now, you’re eating 281 calories, which is 100 calories more than you might think you’re eating.

 And, that’s just one small part of your daily meals.  If you’re estimating serving sizes on other foods you may be eating several hundred calories more than you think you are.


So, before you make any other changes, I recommend you start measuring the foods you are eating.


Ok, you’ve been patient.  You’re following your plan, measuring foods and it’s been about 60 days with what seems like no progress, now what? 


It’s probably time to make some adjustments.

Potential adjustments to get out of a body fat loss plateau

Here are some ideas you might want to consider…

Reduce your carbs.

Many women find they do better with fewer carbs.  Start with a slow and moderate reduction in carbohydrates. Carbs are still important as they are the primary source for energy. 

Eat more protein.

Protein is essential for fat loss.  It can also help you feel fuller and protects against muscle loss.  A good rule of thumb is to eat .8 – 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.  To keep it simple, you can use 1 gram per pound of body weight as a guide.

Adjust your workouts.

Consider adding more steady state cardio, like walking, biking, or swimming. Continue with your strength training program.

Get plenty of sleep.

Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep.  Aim for 7 – 8 hours of sleep each night.

Reduce stress.

Both strength training and cardio can help reduce stress. For more tips, check this out.  Stress can trigger the creation of Cortisol, which tends to increase belly fat storage.  Click here for more info on losing belly fat.   

Stay hydrated.

Being dehydrated can negatively impact your workouts and leave you feeling tired and lethargic.  Dehydration may also reduce your rate of metabolism.

Reduce calories.

Depending on how many calories you are currently consuming, you may want to consider reducing your calories.  Reduce calories slowly. Try reducing by 100 – 200 calories.  Keep calories at or above 1300.

As we lose weight, our body needs fewer calories.  


A plateau does not mean you have to keep cutting calories though. 

We can only cut calories so much until it becomes a DIET. 


A better option is to increase the calorie burn through exercise.

No diets for us!

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Do you eat to relieve stress? Out of boredom? Or for any other reason outside of hunger?  Emotional eating is one of the most common reasons women struggle to lose body fat.

Do you ever feel like you have no control?  You know you aren’t hungry, but you keep eating anyway.  It makes you feel better until…


it doesn’t.


Instead, you just feel worse.  


Feeling bloated, stuffed and wondering “why did I eat all of that?!?

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

What is emotional eating?

Keeping it simple, emotional eating is about eating for any reason other than in response to hunger.

We all eat for reasons other than hunger from time to time.  It’s normal.   Occasionally eating to relieve stress or celebrate and even just because IT TASTES GOOD is normal and it isn’t harmful to your fitness goals.


What if it happens every day or several times a week?

What are common signs of emotional eating?

  • Eating to deal with a stressful situation
  • Using food as a reward.  Thinking “I deserve this for completing the big assignment at work” or “I deserve this for getting through this rough day”.
  • Eating to fill a void, like to soothe feelings of loneliness or boredom.

How can you stop emotional eating before it starts?

Do you know what triggers your emotional eating? 

Is it more likely to be brought on by stress, boredom, loneliness or even feelings of happiness


Once you know your triggers, you can devise a plan that can help  you “stop” emotional eating before it starts.   

Know your trigger

For most of us the same triggers send us on this rollercoaster of eating to feel good which only ends in…

us feeling bad (often physically and emotionally).

For me, two situations are almost sure to send me to the pantry looking for something to eat.

  1. a stressful situation
  2. lack of sleep

What are your triggers? Knowing what those situations look like and when they are likely to strike is the first step to stopping them from taking control.

Have a plan

Now that you know when you are most at risk of that uncontrollable urge to eat, you can create a plan so you are prepared.

Let’s take a look at an example. 

Karen eats when she is stressed

Karen knows stress is a major contributor to her emotional eating.  She has a big project due at the end of the week.  She also knows she’ll be up late working diligently to meet that deadline. 

The combination of stress and late nights (ie. lack of sleep) is sure to turn into an emotional eating scenario…

if she doesn’t prepare for it. 

Karen's plan

Karen decides to:

  1. prepare healthy grab and go snacks that she can eat throughout the day so she doesn’t get too hungry.  With a lack of sleep, she knows she will not have the willpower to say no to those quick “junk food” snacks in her panty.
  2. prepare several dinners for the week in advance so all she has to do is heat and eat.
  3. keep all junk food out of sight and out of reach – no temptations!
  4. do her best at getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep.   She knows she’ll be more productive if she is well-rested.  She’ll also be able to control those urges to eat “junk” better when she is more rested.
  5. ask her family for support

What if emotional eating sneaks up on you?

You may be thinking, “Well, these are all great if you can really plan for that stressful situation.  What if you don’t see it coming?”


You’re right.  More times than not, we don’t know we are going to be stressed tomorrow.  So how do we plan for those days?


In these cases, your plan is more general. 


For example, think about what you can do if you feel stressed NOW. 

The leftovers from dinner, still warm in the refrigerator, and you’re already reaching for that bowl of chips. Sound familiar?


You may even say to yourself, “I’m not really hungry.  I just want this.”


Stop.  Do something else. If we can walk away from the situation, we have a better likelihood of not turning to food when we aren’t hungry.

  • Walk to the mailbox.
  • Do a load of laundry.
  • Read a book for 15 minutes.
  • Call a friend or family member.

Even things as simple as brush your teeth, or wash your face can help.  The more you can establish a routine or habit the easier it gets.

I hope some of these ideas make you better prepared for the next time you find yourself about to embark on an emotional eating binge.

A common goal for many women is to lose belly fat. 


Excess belly fat can occur at any age; however, for women over 50 the chances increase significantly due to hormonal changes related to menopause.


Perhaps you too, have experienced that gradual weight gain that occurs before, during and after menopause.  And, if so, you’re likely wondering “How the heck can I lose belly fat?”

First off, know you’re not alone.   It happens to almost all women. 

That gradual weight gain can occur before, during, and after menopause. 

Or, perhaps it doesn’t feel quite so gradual.  For instance, it may feel like it happened almost overnight.  Like it did for me!

“Yesterday my favorite jeans fit just fine and this morning I have to suck it in just to get them zipped.”

Whether you’ve been thin, average weight or struggled with your weight for years, that menopausal weight gain can knock you off kilter, and take your confidence on a rapid nose-dive.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

Why women gain belly fat

You aren’t doing anything different and still you feel your waistline growing.

With menopause, comes lower estrogen levels.  These lower estrogen levels can wreak havoc on our bodies.

Not only are most of us likely to gain weight, even those women who do not see a rise on the bathroom scale often notice fat accumulating around their stomachs.  


Our lower estrogen levels can cause both our weight gain and the storage of existing fat to move from our hips and thighs to our stomachs.  


Yes, a double whammy!! 

Studies show that nearly all (if not all) post-menopausal women experience some sort of “belly fat” to appear. 

IT’S NORMAL.  How many times have you heard that from doctors, friends, and other professionals?

OK, I get that it is NORMAL, but… that doesn’t mean we have to accept an ever-growing waistline.

So, what the heck?! Can we lose belly fat?

If you’re like me, you don’t care that it’s normal and that most women experience this mid-section weight gain.  I am not MOST women.  You are not MOST women. 

This is one club I’d be happy to politely decline.  I’m guessing you’re with me on that.  And, if you are a member (like I was for a short time), are you ready to find a new club?

First, I’m here to tell you it is NOT all doom and gloom. My self-confidence took a plunge as I saw my belly growing.  I struggled to figure out what was going on.  All of a sudden I had this soft, roll of belly fat.  I wasn’t doing anything different.

And, that was the problem.  

As we get older, our bodies change (ie. menopause hits) and what worked in the past NO LONGER WORKS.


Our bodies aren’t quite as forgiving as they were in our 20’s and 30’s either. 


In other words, it takes more work and sometimes a lot more work.   However, if you’re willing to put in the work – exercise and healthy eating – consistently, you can lose belly fat.  I’m proof.  I did it.   You can too!

Here are 5 ways women over 50 can lose belly fat…

1. To lose belly fat, create a calorie deficit.

You absolutely can’t lose belly fat without a consistent calorie deficit (ie. burning more calories than you consume).  That does not mean starving yourself or going on a strict diet. 


Perhaps you could get away with a few more snacks, fried foods, and alcohol in your 30’s.  


Unfortunately, as we enter our 50’s and beyond, those foods, while not forbidden, do have a bigger impact on our waistlines.  Perfection is not necessary.  However, consistency is critical.

2. To lose belly fat and not muscle, include strength training.

Keep in mind, if you are solely focused on reducing calories, you WILL lose muscle and likely more muscle than fat. Our bodies are already naturally losing muscle.  This process began back in our 30’s.  


Strength training will help slow, stop and even reverse our natural muscle loss.  So, while you want to lose body fat, the goal should be a slow steady loss of body fat so you can preserve your muscle.


TIP: If you’ve been doing strength training for a while, it just might be time to kick it up a notch.  Ask yourself “could I do more, push harder?   Am I following  progressive overload?”

Want a strength training program to get started?  Grab your free 7-day at-home and gym workout plan.

3. To lose belly fat, food choices matter.

While we’re not going for perfection or restricting any foods, it is important to be mindful of what and how much we are eating.

So, most of the time…

Eat a diet primarily of lean protein and low-fat dairy, plant-based foods, like fruits, veggies, whole grains. 


Limit sugar, saturated fats, and processed foods


Include healthy fats from fish (ie. salmon), olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds.


Keep an eye on those sugary beverages, too. Those calories add up quickly without a feeling of fullness, which can really derail your progress. 

Drink more water instead.

4. To lose belly fat, opt for steady state cardio

Why steady-state cardio?


Steady-state cardio is less taxing on your body so you can recover quicker.  This is especially important if you’re doing strength training several times a week (which I hope you are).   



Remember, to lose belly fat, you’re also in a calorie deficit.  Steady-state cardio will be less fatiguing (while still burning calories) than a high-intensity cardio session so you’re more likely to remain consistent.  And, consistency is critical for losing belly fat.

Maintain muscle

Steady-state cardio allows you to increase your calorie burn without excess stress on your body. And, therefore,  maintain muscle mass!


Some examples of steady-state cardio are walking, biking, and swimming.  Find one you love!

5. To lose belly fat (and gain muscle), get plenty of sleep

Food cravings

I can say with 100% certainty that when I don’t get enough quality sleep, my food cravings appear in full force while my willpower takes a vacation

Out of my way…  If there are snacks in the house, THEY ARE MINE!  And, they will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Have you been there?  Can you relate?  These cravings come out of the woodwork for no apparent reason.  Except…

Lack of sleep.

Lack of sleep is also seen as a stressor to the body, which causes our bodies to “hold on tight” to body fat.


Muscle repair

In addition to keeping our food cravings under control, our bodies rely on sleep to perform many functions. One such function is the repair of muscle tissue.


According to Pamela Peeke, M.D., professor of medicine at the University of Maryland and author of The Hunger Fix: The Three-Stage Detox and Recovery Plan for Overeating and Food Addiction, “Lack of sleep causes your hunger hormones to go haywire: It lowers the levels of leptin, which suppresses appetite, and increases ghrelin, which stimulates your appetite.”

To summarize...

Yes! Women over 50 can lose belly fat and here’s how:

  1. Create a calorie deficit
  2. Include strength training
  3. Follow proper nutrition
  4. Opt for steady-state cardio
  5. Get plenty of sleep


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You want amazing results.  You want them fast.   But, how?

It’s actually quite simple.

The fastest way to your amazing results is with an accountability coach.

What exactly does an accountability coach do?  How can they help you get the amazing results you want FASTER?   If you’ve been going it alone, and you’re not seeing the results you want, an accountability coach just might be your answer.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

Wondering if an accountability coach is right for you?

What is an accountability coach?

In general, an accountability coach is someone who can help you reach your goals following a proven path with more confidence and fewer missteps.

What does an accountability coach do?

Identify exactly what you want to accomplish

An accountability coach can help you get clear on the exact goal you want to accomplish.  They can also help you fine tune your goal into a SMART goal.  In case you aren’t familiar with SMART goals, a SMART goal is specific, measureable , attainable, realistic and time-bound.

Set realistic timelines

You want results.  I want results.  The problem with that….

We often want results faster than is possible.  An accountability coach can help you set realistic timelines so you avoid unnecessary disappointment and frustration. 

Create specific action steps

Having a goal is critical.  What’s even more important?  The specific action steps needed to reach your goal. Your coach will help you design the action steps that are best for you and the goal you want to achieve.

Stay on track

Have you ever fallen off track?  A missed workout turns into weeks of missed workouts.  A weekend binge turns into more of the same.  Then come thoughts of “I really need to get back on track.”  But, how?  The routine is gone.  It feels like starting all over again!

Taking a day off,  enjoying a weekend binge of nachos and margaritas isn’t going to hurt you.  A coach will help get you right back on track without missing a beat.

Shines light on blind spots

We all have blind spots that may be keeping us from hitting our goals.  An Accountability coach sees what we can’t.    And we need to see them in order to change them.

Support, support, support

An accountability coach offers support.  Support can come in a variety of ways.  Answering questions, providing encouragement, listening, course correcting and so much more.

An Accountability Coach will keep you honest

A coach won’t just tell  you what you want to hear.  They tell you what you need to hear.  You want results.  It’s your coaches job to help you get those results. And, the only way to get results is to be honest with ourselves.

Motivates and inspires

Motivation comes from within.  An accountability coach can help you find your motivation.  They can also help you develop the discipline to keep moving forward even when you don’t feel like it.   They can lead by example and share success stories of other women just like you to give you the inspiration to keep moving forward.

Tracks your progress

How do you know if you’re making progress toward your goal?  Track it.  What and how much you track is up to you.  You can track the workouts, how much weight you lifted, the number of reps, how you felt, the foods you are eating, your weight, how much sleep you got.  The list could go on and on.  You and your coach can decide together what makes sense for you.

Just knowing someone else is tracking your progress can also help keep you more accountable to your goals and the action steps needed to get there.

Excuses eliminated

If you haven’t used an excuse or two along your fitness journey, well, you might not be normal.  We all have excuses.  It’s part of being human. 

I’m too tired, too busy, I’ve got an important deadline at work – top the list of excuses.

In the moment, they almost always feel like good reasons for not doing what you committed to doing.  A coach will help you maneuver through the excuses so you actually make the progress you want.

Prepare for obstacles

It’s not if, but when will an obstacle occur.  An accountability coach will help you prepare for obstacles.  When you have a plan, obstacles won’t derail your progress.

An Accountability Coach will Challenge You

Getting stuck in our comfort zone happens to all of us.  How long have you been lifting that same dumbbell for the same number of reps with the same amount of rest between sets.  Maybe it’s getting a bit too comfortable, a bit too easy?  A coach will keep you challenged so you keep making progress and avoid the dreaded plateau.

Never go it alone with an Accountability Coach

With a coach, you are never on this journey alone.  Family and friends may tire of hearing about the extra rep you cranked out today or the frustration you are feeling because the scale went up .4 of a pound.  Your coach is with you for the long haul and understands the ups and downs of the journey.

Celebrate your wins

Every win – no matter how small it may seem – deserves a celebration.  No, not with cake and ice cream.   Celebration, nonetheless.   Maybe it’s hearing “Great job!” or maybe it’s time to celebrate with a massage, or a new workout  top.  A coach will remind you to stop and appreciate how hard you’ve been working, give yourself some kudos or a pat on the back.

It’s amazing how the celebration/recognition of even a small win can energize you for your next hard workout!

Do you need an accountability coach to get results?


Research shows that when someone publicly shares their goals, they have around a 65% chance of success. However, having a specific accountability partner boosts that chance to 95%.

How disciplined are you?  Will you follow through on your action steps even when you don’t feel like it?   If so, then you may not need an accountability coach.   

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Did you get on the scale this morning?  Did the number have you rejoicing or wondering “what the heck?”  What if I told you…

The scale is lying!

You did not lose or gain a pound of body fat during the night.  It’s simply not possible.    


So, you may be wondering then what is the one-pound fluctuation on the scale.   In this article, I’m going to explain 5 ways the scale is lying to you.  But, don’t go throw out your bathroom scale just yet.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

What does the scale tell you?

To understand how the scale is lying, we first need to understand what it is telling us.   The scale is a great tool for measuring total body weight.  Your total body weight consists primarily of bone, water, fat, and muscle.  So, how do you know if the movement on the scale is bone, water, fat or muscle?   The fact is… you don’t.

Even scales that say they give you body fat, lean muscle and even water, are not accurate.

Should you use the scale if the scale is lying?

Despite the fact that the scale can be misleading based on any ONE reading, I still get on the scale daily for a couple of reasons.

  1. The scale is still a good indicator of trends. Is your weight going up or down over time? More about this shortly.
  2. The scale is especially helpful at getting us back on track with healthy eating after a weekend binge on chicken wings, pizza and dessert.

Although you may be tempted to skip the scale because you don’t want to see the impact that weekend binge had on your previous fat loss, not getting on the scale does not change the number.   

Beyond the reminder to get back on track and looking at trends over time, the scale can provide right down inaccurate information or at least we may misinterpret what the scale is actually telling us.

Placing too much emphasis on a daily scale reading can lead to frustration and disappointment.  For some women, an extra half-pound on the scale can even influence how we feel about ourselves for the rest of the day.  

And, if you’ve been following your plan and doing “everything right” and you “gain a pound”, unfortunately, you could become so discouraged that you may ditch all your efforts assuming “it just isn’t working”.  When in fact, the problem is simply that the scale is lying or rather misleading you.


But, before you completely throw out your scale, let’s take a look at what is going on.

Why does the scale fluctuate day to day?

There are a variety of factors that can influence your total body weight from day to day. First, let’s talk about carbohydrates or carbs, for short.


Carbs are needed for energy.  Carbs can be used for immediate energy needs,  stored as glycogen for use later or stored as fat. 

Carbs are great to consume prior to physical activity.  These carbs are used immediately and have no impact on the scale.

How the scale is lying...Carbohydrates stored as glycogen and water

A limited amount of carbs can be stored in the liver and muscles.  The liver can store approximately 100 grams of carbohydrates and your muscles can store approximately 500 grams of carbohydrates.   The liver releases these glucose molecules into your blood to keep your blood sugar regulated.  Your stored muscle glycogen is used solely by your muscles during exercise.  

Each gram of stored carbohydrate binds to 3 grams of water.  So, if you are storing 600 grams of carbohydrates, you also have 1800 grams of water, this would equate to approx 5 pounds. This is not body fat! 

However, please note, the opposite is true if you deplete your glycogen storage, which can give you false sense of “body fat lost”.  This can occur if you use up the glycogen storage and consume fewer carbs on any particular day.   When you re-fill your glycogen storage, those 5 pounds are back!  Again, this is not body fat!  But, can leave you feeling like you’re on a weight loss rollercoaster.

Cutting carbs add to how the scale is lying

This also explains why you can drop several pounds immediately after cutting carbs from your diet. The scale is telling you that you’ve lost weight, which you have.  Your total body weight is down, but you have not lost body fat.

Hopefully, this reason alone has you convinced to not get overly obsessed with the day to day fluctuations on the scale.  Instead look at the trend over a period of a few weeks.  I still like to weigh myself daily. 


If you only chose to weigh-in weekly or even less frequently, how do you know if you’re weighing on a day when your carb storage is full or empty?

How the scale is lying...Cortisol related water retention

You may be familiar with the hormone, Cortisol.  It is often thought of as the “stress” hormone. This article is not a deep dive into Cortisol.  Instead, I’ll keep this strictly about how cortisol contributes to why the scale is lying to us.   

Stress can increase the hormone, cortisol, which then signals your body to “hold” water.  The stress can be physical or psychological.  Long-term dieting can cause stress within your body.  Hard workouts over time can cause stress to your body.  However, there are far more factors than I can discuss here. 

Just know that the weight gain on the scale is not necessarily body fat.  

Body fat occurs when you consume more calories than you use.

How the scale is lying...Slow moving bowels

The last point I’ll make, although not necessarily the only other reason the scale is lying is all the food you’ve eaten – from the time you swallow to the time you expel the remnants. 

Ok, there is no easy way to beat around the bush so I’ll just say it. 

Have you pooped today?

Food doesn’t just magically disappear after we swallow.  I’ll keep this simple.  The food you eat weighs something.  So, how soon you get on the scale after eating will impact the scale.

But, did you know…?   It can take 2 – 5 days for the food you swallow to leave your body as poop.

The scale moved. Is the scale lying?

With the many factors influencing what the scale does on a day to day basis, how do you know if you lost/gained body fat or it’s just a temporary blip?

Scale is not lying...Calories in are greater than calories expended

OK, this is the weight gain you need to focus on.  Whether these excess calories come from carbohydrates, fats or protein, excess calories will be stored as fat.  Because of the other factors previously mentioned, the easiest way to know if this is the source of your weight gain is to look at the trend over time.

Notice the day to day weight fluctuations in the graph above.  Some days the scale jumped up and others it came down or remained the same.  What’s important to note is the downward trend. 


This coupled with the fact that this woman is exercising and following a healthy nutrition plan, is a good indicator that she is losing body fat.

To gain a pound of body fat, you need to consume an extra 3500 calories above your daily maintenance calories.  Your maintenance calories are how many calories your body needs to maintain your current weight.  Let’s say your maintenance calories are 1600. To gain a pound of body fat in one day, you’d need to consume 5100 calories.  That is a LOT  of calories for the average person.

And, that is rarely how body fat is gained.  Instead, it is more likely that someone would eat an extra 500 calories per day for several days.   With the same maintenance calories of 1600, let’s say you eat 2100 calories every day for 7 days.  That would add up to an extra 3500 calories and unless you are doing extreme exercise to burn it off, you are likely to gain a pound of body fat.   


In this case, the scale is not lying.  


Looking at how your weight is trending over a longer period gives a much more accurate picture of what is really happening.

How the scale is lying...You're gaining muscle

Another source of weight gain from the scale’s perspective is muscle gains.   The scale cannot accurately distinguish between body fat and muscle gains. If you are following a strength training program, you should be building muscle.  It’s also possible that you are losing body fat and gaining muscle weight and the scale does not move.


This can be frustrating and give you the opinion that what you are doing is NOT working, which would be completely inaccurate.

The scale is just one piece of data.  If you are following a strength training program, I highly recommend taking periodic body measurements.  I frequently hear comments from clients like this one


“I was so disappointed because the scale was not moving.  I decided to take my measurements like you suggested.  AND, I lost 9 inches!!!”

In addition to muscle gains, as you build muscle the bone that the muscle attaches to gets stronger, more dense and weighs more too.  The scale is not lying. These are both weight gains you want and need!

How the scale is lying...What the scale cannot tell you

Although valuable, the scale is just one tool.   The scale does not tell you

  1. If you are getting more fit  
  2. Your overall health is improving
  3. Whether you are gaining muscle
  4. How your clothes fit
  5. How you look in the mirror

I am still a huge fan of weighing in every day.    In addition to getting on the scale daily, I track my weight daily.  In my opinion, the tracking is the most important part.  This way you can see the trends. 

Keep in mind, the scale is not meant to make us feel bad or guilty.  If getting on the scale can ruin your day, then you may want to weigh in weekly instead of daily for a while. 


But, as I mentioned earlier, you risk weighing in on one of the anomaly fluctuations and in order to see the trend it will take longer than it does if you are tracking daily.  However, it is a personal choice.


I will caution you.  Not getting on the scale because you think you won’t like the result, does not change the result.

Also, make sure to use other methods for determining if you are gaining/losing body fat like measurements, photos, and how your clothes fit.  If your clothes are getting tight around your mid-section, it’s probably not because your glycogen stores are full or because you’re gaining muscle.  Just saying.

If you decide to follow my advice and weigh yourself, here are my tips:

  1. Weigh yourself Daily (weekly at a minimum)
  2. Always first thing In the morning
  3. Weigh-in with no clothes (or minimal – same every time) and after you’ve used the bathroom
  4. Write it down so you can keep track of your progress

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You want to lose body fat quickly… like yesterday, right? And, as you’re getting older… it seems like body fat is holding on for dear life.

So, how the heck do you get rid of stubborn body fat?

In this post, I’m sharing several effective tips to lose body fat quickly.  Yes, we want to lose it quickly, but…

we also want to lose it for good, right?  That means slow is often better than too fast. With the tips below, I’ll show you how to find the right mix so you can lose body fat as quickly as possible AND for good.

One more thing before I dive into my tips for losing body fat quickly, what if you could get daily tips on how to lose weight, stay motivated, recipes, fitness, self-care and more? Well, you can. All you need to do is join my FREE Facebook Community.  I post tips daily for the woman approaching or over 50 who wants to love her body again.

Tip #1- Lose Body Fat Quickly -Start Strength Training

I am a firm believer that strength training is what has allowed me to maintain my weight through menopause.  As we get older, our metabolism naturally slows.  One major reason for our slowing metabolism is that we are losing muscle  This actually started in our 30’s but it’s a gradual decline so we don’t usually notice it much until we get into our 40’s. For more tips on reversing the creeping weight gain as we get older, check out this blog. Muscle burns calories.  With less muscle comes less calorie burn.  Less calorie burn and we end up gaining weight, specifically in the form of body fat. You can start building muscle at any age.  You can even undo the natural muscle loss. Side note: Muscle from strength training burns calories all day long.  Other exercises are responsible for calorie burn primarily while you are actually doing the activity,

Will I get bulky if I lift weights?

It’s highly unlikely you will get bulky from lifting weights.  As women, we don’t have enough testosterone to get bulky.  Plus you’d need to spend hours in the gym lifting extremely heavy weights to put on massive muscle.

Can I do strength training at home?

Absolutely!  Strength training can be done at home or at a gym.

I'm a beginner. How do I get started with strength training?

A great way to get started on a strength training program, especially if you’re a beginner, is to grab my FREE 3-day at-home workout plan.

Tip #2 - Lose Body Fast Quickly - Eat Plenty of Protein

By replacing some of your carbohydrates and fats with protein, you will actually feel less hungry and therefore, more likely to eat less.  Eating the right number of calories in total is still key. Click this link for a quick estimate of appropriate number of calories depending on your goal. Protein also helps maintain muscle mass. AND, more muscle means more calories being burned. Protein is also less likely to be stored as excess fat when compared to carbohydrates and fat.

How much protein do I need to lose body fat?

According to NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), the average woman wanting to lose weight or more specifically, body fat, should eat approximate .7 – 1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.6 – 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight). In other words, a 150 pound woman who is wanting to lose body fat should aim to consume 105 – 150 grams of protein per day.

Does it matter when I eat the protein?

Some research suggests that the timing of protein consumption may be important for extreme athletes.  For the rest of us woman wanting to lose body fat, it is not necessary to worry about nutrient timing.

However, eating enough protein at each meal should be taken into consideration.  A good estimate is approximately 20 grams per meal.

What are the best sources of protein?

Here are some of the best sources of protein:

  • Eggs
  • Chicken Breast
  • Fish
  • Lean Beef
  • Turkey Breast
  • Greek Yogurt

Tip #3 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Get Quality Sleep

Studies have shown that women who do not get enough quality sleep are more likely to gain weight. Without sleep you:
  • have less willpower
  • are “too tired” to exercise
  • may feel more hungry.

How does sleep help me lose body fat?

By getting adequate sleep, you are more likely to control your appetite and feel less hungry. When you’re tired, your body is looking for a source of energy… hence, feeling the urge to EAT. And, while you may have the willpower to resist the chocolate cake when you’re well rested, when you’re sleep deprived you may discover that urge to EAT overpowers your best intentions. I have experienced this first hand.  It was an ah-ha moment when I realized what was happening and WHY I had zero willpower!!

Will I burn fat while I sleep?

While you aren’t necessarily “burning” fat while you sleep, during deep sleep your body is repairing and strengthening muscle tissue.  Again, we need this lean muscle mass to burn more calories all day – not just while we sleep.

Do I need a specific sleep routine?

Putting fat loss aside for the moment, there are numereous health benefits to having a consistent sleep routine.  

With a sleep routine, you get more quality sleep which does aid in weight loss.  In addition, you may also be lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and elevated blood sugar. 

Tip #4 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Make friends with Fiber

Without getting into a lot of detail, there are 2 types of dietary fiber – soluable and insoluable.

Soluable fiber dissolves and is thought to improve digestion.  It may also  reduce cholesterol and helps you body lower blood glucose (ie.blood sugar), which is a risk of diabetes.

Insoluable fiber attracts water to your stool making it easier to pass and promotes bowel health and regularity.

How does fiber help me lose body fat?

Soluable fiber digests slower keeping you full longer.  Feeling full keeps hunger under control so that we are not eating excess calories that end up being stored as fat.

How much fiber do I need?

Most people in the US get less than half the recommended fiber per day.  Women should aim for 25 grams of fiber per day.

What are best foods for fiber?

Some of the best foods for fiber are:

  • Fruit (raspberries are one of the best with 8 grams for 1 cup; compared to a medium apple at 4.4 grams (which is still great)
  • Whole grain pasta/bread (check the labels as they vary considerably)
  • Legumes – 7 grams per cup
  • Almonds – 3.5 grams for 1 ounce (approx 23 almonds)

Tip #5 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Limit Processed Foods

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, the average American consumes more than half their calories from processed foods.

What are processed foods?

You can think of processed foods as any food that has been altered from its natural state.  The amount of processing can vary significantly: Minimally processed – washing, canning, freezing.

Example: bagged spinach, cut up veggies

Highly/ultra processed – adding unhealthy ingredients (sodium, sugar) and/or breaking it down to lose healthy nutrients.

Example: microwavable dinners, frozen pizza

Side note: One study found that the current American diet consists of approximately 60% of daily calories from ultra processed foods.

Why should I avoid processed foods?

Highly processed foods have lost much of their original nutrition.  They are also often loaded in sodium, sugar and trans fats. Side note: Always check the nutrition label.

Can I lose weight eating processed foods?

Eating processed foods occasionally is fine.  Everything in Moderation!

It is important to read the nutrition label and look for added sugar, sodium, trans fats. 

Too much of any of these can negatively impact your ability to reach your fitness goals related to:

  • weight loss
  • body fat loss
  • muscle gains

as well as health goals related to blood pressure, cholesterol and reducing risk of other diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Tip #6 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Increase Cardio

Can I lose body fat without doing cardio?

Sure.  However, adding in cardio is a great way to boost your overall calories burned.

What are the best types of cardio for burning fat?

The best type of cardio is the one you enjoy.  Cardio only works if you will actually do it. Although, running is one of the highest calorie burning cardio workouts, it won’t matter if you hate running. Some high calorie burn cardio workouts are:
  • Running
  • Biking
  • Circuit Training
  • Jumping Rope
  • Stationary Bike
  • Rowing Machine
The number of calories burned depends on several factors such as your weight, intensity/speed and duration.

For example:  A 150 pound women who runs 6 miles in one hour burns approx 700 calories.

Side note: calories burned is purely an estimte.

What's better - HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or Cardio?

HIIT or High Interval Intensity Training is an excellent way to burn extra calories is a shorter period of time. You alternate between a high intensity move for 30 sec to 1 min followed by a recovery period.  There are endless variations of HIIT.

One example: a 30 second sprint followed by a 1 minute recovery

Tip #7 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Calorie Deficit

You can create a calorie deficit by reducing the calories you consume, burning extra calories or a combination of both.

My preference: combination of both.

Do I need to cut calories to lose body fat?

It depends.  If you can create a calorie deficit by burning more calories (ie. more exercise), then you may not need to cut your consumption of calories.

If you’re already eating a low number of calories (ie. around 1200 for women); then you do NOT want to cut calories any more.  You’ll want to increase your calorie deficit by burning more through physical activity.

What happens if I don't eat enough calories?

Not eating enough calories can often be just as bad as eating too many.  If you eat less than 1200 calories you are at risk of not getting all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.  You could also trigger your body to “think” it’s starving which slows down metabolism.

If your body “thinks” it is starving, it will hold on to body fat.  Just the opposite of what you are trying to do.

How many calories should I eat to lose body fat?

First, you’ll want to determine how many calories you need to maintain your weight. Then, knowing that 3500 calories equals one pound, you could reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day to lose one pound per week. That one pound will be a mixture of body fat and lean muscle.  There’s almost no way to lose 100% body fat.  Eating plenty of protein and following a strength training program will help tilt your weight loss more to body fat. If you’re already following a low calorie meal plan, you may need to keep your calories where they are and increase calorie burn through physical activity. You can also use this calorie calculator to get a calorie estimate.

Pulling it all together

To lose body fat quickly, combine the following key actions:

  1. Follow a strength training routine
  2. Eat plenty of protein
  3. Get enough quality sleep
  4. Add high-fiber foods to your diet
  5. Limit highly processed foods
  6. Increase cardio or HIIT
  7. Make sure you’re creating a calorie deficit

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lose weight with walking

Thinking about starting a walking routine?  Wondering if this is your answer to losing a few extra stubborn pounds?

Keep reading to learn the secrets to losing weight with walking.

Can I lose weight by walking?

The short answer… Yes!

Losing weight is about putting your body in a calorie deficit.  To do that, you need to burn more calories that you consume.

How many calories do I burn walking?

There are several factors that impact how many calories you burn during a walk.

Based on information provided by, a 130 pound women who walks 3 miles in an hour burns approximately 195 calories during that walk.  If that same woman walked 4 miles in the  hour, she would burn approximately 295 calories.

What are other benefits of walking?

Besides losing weight with walking, it can also help improve your cardiovascular heath, lower your blood pressure, improve your sleep and reduce stress. 

All excellent reasons to start walking. 

It’s the perfect way to start or end a day.  It’s also low impact.  Want more calorie burning?  Try speed walking.

How do I to start a walking routine?

If it’s been years or you’re starting a walking routine for the very first time, take it slow and gradually increase both speed and/or distance.

Always, check with your doctor before starting a new fitness routine.

Here’s a sample of how your new walking routine might look.

Week 1 - Create a Baseline

Start with 10 – 15 minutes at a comfortable pace.  You should be able to hold a full conversation as you walk.

Walk 3 days during the week.  Maybe…

Week 2 - Add 5 Minutes

Assuming you’re feeling strong after week 1, increase your walk by 5 minutes.  Same comfort pace  walking 3 days a week.

Week 3 - Add a Day

Feeling stronger?  In week 3, bump it up to 4 days a week.  Still walking at a comfortable pace for 20 minutes.

How about …  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Week 4 - Make it a Game

Time to up the anty – if you’re up to it.  This week you’ll pick one of your 4 days and pick up the pace.  Walk the same path as the other 3 days, but aim to finish the route 20 – 30 seconds faster.

With four weeks under your belt, you are well on your way to a strong habit of walking consistently.  To keep from getting bored, change it up frequently – go for a longer walk, walk a little faster, try some interval speed walks. 

For example, see that tree or bench ahead?  Walk (don’t run) as fast as you can.  Once you reach the tree or bench, go back to your comfortable walking pace.  Add these interval speed walks in as you’re ready for more.

Losing weight with walking - calories burned vs calories consumed

Remember, if you’re walking to lose weight, your calories burned need to exceed the calories you consume.

If you want to increase the calories you’re burning, try these (when you’re physically ready):

  1. Increase your speed, get your arms swinging, and you’re breathing harder.  You’re now walking at a brisk walk.  You should be able to talk in partial sentences but not a full out conversation.
  2. Increase the length of time you’re walking.
  3. Increase your distance
  4. Add in interval speed training
  5. Find a walk with some hills

Have you joined our Facebook community yet?  Want more daily tips, encouragement, motivation and challenges.  Don’t miss out.  Click the button to join today!

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More often than not when we’re trying to lose weight and the scale isn’t moving it’s, at least in part, due to eating more calories than you think.  So, if you’d like to know how to easily start reducing calories today without feeling deprived, let’s jump in.

If you’re new to my blog, Welcome!  I’m so glad you are here.  My goal is to help you lose weight, build muscle, and create the body of your dreams.

Here are some of my other blogs to check out after you read this one.

So, if you’re ready, here are some of my favorite tips for eating fewer calories and not feeling like you’re on a DIET because I don’t do DIETS!

Focus on the conversation

So many of our social engagements are centered around food, right?  We enjoy the food for sure, but that probably isn’t the reason you are having dinner with your best friends.


You’re getting together with your friends because you enjoy their company.  Whether you have the high calorie loaded nachos as an appetizer or you wait for your entree, the conversation with friends will be equally enjoyable – maybe even more so since you can completely focus on the conversation.  And, you just reduced your calories significantly.

Share your meal with a friend

How many times have you said “That was a lot of food.  We should have split a meal.”


Most restaurant meals are at least 1 1/2 portions.  


So, for those times you really want the less than healthy meal, share it and you just cut the calories in half.  

Stop eating before you feel full

It takes approximately 20 minutes before our brain tells us we’re full.  So, if you keep eating  until you feel full, you’ll soon feel stuffed.  No matter how good the food tasted, we’re left with this uncomfortable feeling of being too full.


We’ve all done it.  The secret is to eat slower so our brain can give us the signal before it’s too late.


You’ll feel full.  You won’t want to eat any more.  And, you just reduced your calories without much effort.

Minimize distractions

Have you ever eaten an after-dinner snack while watching TV?  Silly question.  Of course, we’ve all done it. 

Have you noticed that when you’re focusing on the TV, you stopped paying attention to how much you’ve eaten? 


When you eat in front of the TV (if you’re like me, you know you’re going to do it!), portion out your snack into a reasonable portion and put it in a dish instead of eating out of the box. 


You can start reducing your calories today with this one simple change.

Drink water

When in doubt… drink water.  


Drinking water is a huge contributor to reducing calories.


You can drink water before a meal so you feel fuller.  You can drink water instead of higher calorie beverages like soda or alcohol too.


Think you’re hungry?  Drink a glass or two of water before you eat anything.  You may find you’re really just thirsty, not hungry at all.

Out of sight Out of mind

The most effective strategy is to NOT buy the higher calorie treat.  But, that may not be very realistic for everyone.  So, next best thing…


Keep it out of sight.  For me, I like to put my “treats” on the top shelf of my pantry and push them back so I don’t easily see them when I open the pantry.


It is amazing how I forget about them.  It’s far too tempting to have it starring back at me every time I open the pantry door.


If you’re serious about reducing your calories, make it easier on yourself –either don’t buy it or keep it out of sight.

Eat before you go out

Sound crazy to eat before you go out?


Well, I don’t mean a whole meal.  Eating something small can keep you from feeling hungry when you walk into the restaurant or party.

Eat more often

What, eat more often?


Yes!  Instead of eating 2-3 large meals, try eating 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day.


When we get too hungry, we often tend to eat more.  By eating smaller meals more often, you can reduce your overall calories because you won’t be as likely to overeat.

Listen to your stomach instead of the clock

Have you ever eating lunch or dinner just because it was “time to eat”?

I know it isn’t always this easy, there are family members to consider and sometimes we have to eat around meetings and appointments.  I get it.  I eat around the clock far more often than I’d like.

When possible, it is BETTER, if you can let your stomach guide meal time instead of the clock.

Losing weight can be hard…


It can be easier when you do it with friends.  If you’d like the support and commaraderie of a group of like-minded women, we’d love to have you join us.  Inside the group, you’ll get more tips on fitness and nutrition, recipes, encouragement and friendships.  It’s a place where WE GET YOU. 

Click the link to join.

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Why diets don't work

How many diets have you tried?  If you’re a woman over 50, like I am, you probably need all your fingers and maybe even your toes to count them all.


The media has pushed the latest diet fads on us since we were old enough to watch TV or read magazines.  So, it’s no wonder we’ve tried so many.


What if you could stop dieting to lose weight?  In this blog, I’ll share why diets don’t work and what you should do instead.


For more tips, grab Your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets.  This FREE document is packed with information to help you with your non-diet weight loss journey.

If you’re new to my blog, Welcome!  I’m so glad you are here.  My goal is to provide you with tips that help you stay strong and active as you age.


Here are some of my other blogs to check out after you read this one.

Reason 1 - Stop dieting to lose weight

Diets leave us feeling deprived of all the foods we love.

Diets always seem to start with eliminating foods – NOW!  Starting today – No more french fries, no more sugar, no carbs and definitely no more wine.

Doesn’t it seem like all you hear is… NO MORE…?

Then, if you’re like me, the only thing you can think of is that food you CAN’T have.  It quickly can begin to feel like a punishment, right?  


Instead…  You don’t need to eliminate any foods.  A better approach is to limit the less healthy foods, but allow yourself to have them in moderation.

Reason 2 - Stop dieting to lose weight

Diets are not sustainable for the long-term.

If you’ve followed a diet for any length of time, then you know you will lose weight IF you stick with it long enough.  


Losing weight is not the problem.  Diets do deliver to that point, but what if you have a significant amount of weight to lose?  Or what do you do after you’ve lost the weight?

Yo Yo dieting

Let’s be real.  Most of us are not going to be able to restrict ourselves for an extended period of time which frequently leads to throwing in the towel before you reach your goal.


And, if you did lose it all, it’s highly likely that you jump back into your old eating patterns and, unfortunately, gain it all back.

Tip…  Remember we’re creating a sustainable lifestyle not the quick fix that only lasts for a very short time.

If you haven’t gotten it yet, don’t forget to grab Your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets.  Tip #1 is to stop dieting and start making small changes instead.  This is the best way to lose weight without gaining it all back later.

Reason 3 - Stop dieting to lose weight

Diets rely on your willpower to keep you focused on weight loss.

Diets rely on willpower

How strong is your willpower?  Mine has a tendency to leave me hanging when I need it most.


We also tend to beat ourselves up when our willpower fails us which only makes the whole weight loss process feel more like a punishment.

Instead…  Create your why power. Why do you want to lose weight in the first place.  If you want to lose 20 pounds.  Why?


When you are super clear on the why, it will make it easier to stick with your healthy eating plan.

Reason 4 - Stop dieting to lose weight

Diets often lead to binge eating.

You’re doing great. You’ve been saying no to all the unhealthy foods and then WHAM!


You feel like you’re out of control and want to eat anything and everything.

Sound familiar?

Instead…  don’t deprive yourself of the foods you love.  If  you’re having a craving for a chocolate chip cookie, plan for it and have one or two. 


Just don’t go crazy with the whole box.

Reason 5 - Stop dieting to lose weight

Some diets eliminate entire food groups.

Some of the current diets severly restrict carbohydrates.  For some individuals this may be necessary for medical reasons.  For the rest of us, we need carbs for energy.  By eliminating entire food groups you are also at risk of missing important nutrients, which is never a good idea.

Instead… eliminate processed foods and sugar if you want to eliminate anything.  These are often just “empty” calories any way.

Reason 6 - Stop dieting to lose weight

Some diets severly resrict calories.

Too few calories can be as bad as too many calories.   If you aren’t eating enough calories, it is difficult if not impossible to get all the nutrients your body needs.  Your metabolism will also come to a screeching hault.


As we get older, our metabolism slows down enough on it’s own, we don’t want to make it worse.

Instead… Never eat less than 1200 calories per day. And, to increase your metabolism – build more muscle. For more info on building muscle, check out the blog I wrote on Secrets to a Strong, Healthy Female Body.

If you’d like even more tips on building muscle, grab my 7-day workout plan.

Reason 7 - Stop dieting to lose weight

Diets don’t distinguish between fat loss and muscle loss.

Build muscle. Lose fat.

Diets usually just look at what direction the scale is going, but that doesn’t tell us the whole story.  You want to lose fat not muscle.  The scale doesn’t differentiate.

Muscle burns more calories than fat AND as we get older we naturally lose muscle.

Tip…  Add strength training to your routine to reduce amount of muscle lost or even gain muscle.

Reason 8 - Stop dieting to lose weight

Diets are short-sighted.

Diets are only focused on getting to the end result quickly.  Maybe you’re saying “YES!  I want to get there quickly”.  However, if you only gain it all back in 6 months and you’re back on another diet, then it wasn’t really quicker.

Instead… Slow and steady always wins.  Start by making small changes that you can sustain for the long-term.  The “wins” from these small changes will soon be BIG.

If you’d like to be part of a community of other women supporting each other along their journey to a healthier lifestyle, we’d love to have you join our Facebook community.


Within this group, I share fitness and nurtition tips, recipes, cooking videos specifically for woman over 50.

Click the button below to join us.

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reverse creeping weight gain

It happens.  As we get older, our bodies change and if you’re like the majority of women over the age of 40 you’ve started to notice your jeans are getting tight, and your midsection is growing.


In this post, I’m sharing some tips to help you reverse the creeping weight gain many of us notice as we get older.  Getting older isn’t an excuse to throw your hands up and just let the weight pile on.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

Why do women gain weight as they get older?

Most women gain weight as they age and menopause contributes to this; however, there are a host of other reasons. 


Regardless of the reason, weight gain is NOT inevitable and you can still lose weight.  We will NOT let our age or menopause be our EXCUSE for gaining weight, right?  Are you with me?


The reasons are numerous. 

Before we can even talk about reversing that less than desirable weight gain, we first need to know if we are gaining weight.  Sounds basic I know.  But, let me ask you how do you know if you’re gaining weight?


Yes, I know it becomes obvious at some point.  You can no longer zip your jeans or you have to suck it in to fasten the button.  How much weight have you gained before this becomes obvious?  5 pounds?  10 pounds?  Unless you are already wearing tight jeans, you can probably gain several pounds before you reach the point of literally none of your clothes fit.


Do you really want to wait until you’ve gained 10 pounds?

Know your body - Track your weight

That dreaded scale for some…  One of my most invaluable tools!


How do you know when the weight starts creeping on?  Get on the scale and track it.  How often you track is up to you.  The scale isn’t meant to be a punishment or make you feel bad.  It is there to provide data and motivation.  I don’t panic every time the scale goes up.  However, I do reflect on why.


Maybe I didn’t drink enough water.  Or maybe I had too many treats.  Maybe it’s been a stressful week or I didn’t get enough sleep.  These can all impact the number on the scale and they are all things I have control over.


This is all great info when combined to help guide my day or week.


If you’re not already getting on the scale at least once a week, I highly recommend you start.  The number doesn’t change whether you get on the scale or not, so why not know the facts? Think about the small child who closes their eyes and thinks because they can’t see you that you can’t see them.  It’s the same kind of thing with the scale.

Reverse Creeping Weight Gain - Step #1 Increase Physical Activity (ie. move)

As we get older, we often tend to become less active.  This is creating the perfect storm.  A lower metabolism (potentially) combined with less physical calorie-burning activity. 


Solution: Start moving.  You can start with walking, and add in some strength training when you’re ready.

Reverse Creeping Weight Gain - Step #2 Check Your Nutrition

Your nutrition is important now more than ever. Are you eating high-quality foods like fruits, vegetables, low-fat protein, whole grains, and healthy fats?  Nows a good time to take notice of what you are fueling your body.   For some tips on easy changes you can start making today, check this out.

Reverse Creeping Weight Gain - Step #3 Build more Muscle

As we age, our bodies naturally start to lose muscle.  You can counter this through strength training.

For some strength training ideas, click here.
Bicep curl

Reverse Creeping Weight Gain - Step #4 Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep – probably number 2 on the list of things we push aside (right after exercise).


If you can relate, I’m right there with you.  I took it all the way to the point of exhaustion and my body saying STOP, No More.


Sleep is far more critical than most of us realize.  If you aren’t getting enough sleep, this is the place to start.  You should be getting 7 – 9 hours of sleep every night.


Without proper sleep, you are more susceptible to food cravings and I can tell you from experience, they are nearly impossible to fight when you are sleep-deprived.

Before you go, make sure you’ve joined our FREE Facebook Community for Women Over 50. It’s a great way to connect with other women facing the same struggles, who are losing weight, building muscle and creating amazing bodies they love.

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lose weight without feeling deprived

You want to lose weight, right?  The first thought running through your mind is – diet, no more…, I can’t have …

Are you ready to start losing weight without feeling deprived of all the foods you love?

For even more tips on how to lose weight, grab Your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets.

Great!  Let’s jump in.  First, leave your diet mindset behind.  You don’t need it any more.

Focus on the foods you can and should eat

The diet mindset focuses on everything we “can’t” eat.  So what happens?  It’s all we can think about,right?

Fill your plate with healthy options like lots of vegetables, lean proteins (chicken, turkey, eggs, lean beef), whole grains, fruits and healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, avocado).

There are plenty of great tasting healthy foods to pick from.  If you’re eating a variety of these foods, you’ll feel full and satisfied; and therefore, fewer cravings for the other stuff.

Over time, you stop wanting the chips, cookies, heavy cream sauces, etc.  When you no longer want it, you are losing weight or maintaining the weight you lost without feeling deprived.  That is an amazing feeling!

Avoid eliminating entire food groups

Many “diets” require that you eliminate entire food groups.  Unless you have a health condition, this isn’t necessary and not ideal.

Unless your body can’t handle a certain type of food.   That could be an entire food group, but it is most often specific foods within a food group.

This is where some trial and error is invaluable.  If you feel bloated, weighed down, or you’re unable to lose weight when you eat it, stop eating it and see what happens,

First, you have to experiment to see what food is doing that to you.  There are lots of elimination diets that are great for this.

Remember, as we age our bodies change and so do the foods our body can digest.  One of my favorite foods was milk.  When I finally realized milk was the reason for my bloating, cramps, etc, it was pretty darn easy to stop drinking it.  What may be considered healthy for the general population, may be poison to your body.

Practice moderation

When you practice moderation, you can still have those less healthy foods, satisfy your craving and not consume hundreds of extra calories.

If you’re at a birthday party and you’d really like a piece of cake, eat a small piece or split a piece with a friend.

Plan for a cheat meal

This is my #1 secret for never feeling deprived.  I learned this years ago and it has worked like a charm.  I almost always save my cheat meal for Saturday.  Saturday is the day I have lunch out with my family. Knowing that I can eat “anything I want” for that Saturday meal, makes it so much easier to stick with my healthy meal plan during the week.  Caution – this is for one meal, not an entire day.  You can undo all your progress from the week in a single day of overeating.

Learn portion control

We live in an age of super-sized portions.  Using a food scale is a great way to gain perspective on proper portion sizes.

Once I started measuring my food, I was shocked at how many servings my ONE serving really was!  It has become such a habit that I weigh almost everything.  It really only takes seconds.

If it sounds painful to weigh all your food (I’ve heard this complaint more times than I can count), then at least do it for a week to get a good visual of what a serving looks like on your plate.  If your weight loss starts to plateau, that is a good time to double-check your portions again.

Portion size is often a huge contributor to weight gain or inability to lose weight.

Adjusting to smaller portions could be all you need to start losing weight and not feeling deprived.  You’re still eating the food you want.  It is just in a smaller quantity.

Enjoying meals at restaurants

I’m sure you’re wondering about restaurants.   I mentioned them in regards to your cheat meal.  Is that the only time you can eat out? 

No; however…

Personally, I do limit the meals I eat at restaurants.  Just know it is difficult to find foods at restaurants that are as healthy as you’d make at home.  With that said, we all eat out.

If I said you can’t eat out, that would be like saying you can’t have bread ever again.  Almost, like eliminating an entire food group, right?

Here are a couple of tips for eating out so you can continue to lose weight and not feel deprived.

  1. Check the menu and nutrition (if they offer it) before you go.  
  2. Decide what you will order before you get there
  3. Order first – AND no changing after you hear the yummy sounding, calorie packing meal your friend just ordered.
  4. Split a meal with a friend. Most portions are plenty for two people.

If you check the nutrition on the menu, you will be shocked or at least I was.  Some meals have more sodium than I eat in the whole day.  I’ve actually seen some that were more than I would eat in 3 days!!  After I’ve checked calories, I also check the sugar and saturated fat.

Losing weight is never easy.  Having a community of like-minded women all on a journey to get off the weight-loss roller coaster and enjoy all life has to offer, can make it easier.  If you’d like to join our Women Over 50 Weight Loss Community, click the link below to join us.  We can’t wait to meet you!

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So many women over 50 have lost the same 20 (or 50) pounds over and over.   Is that you?  Do you want to lose weight one LAST time?

Do you want to lose weight?

Does the thought of losing weight bring back memories of past failures?  Are you wondering how this time will be any different?


Undeniably, getting started can be the hardest part.  It’s even harder if you’ve lost weight before and then gained it all back.  The roller coaster cycle is good for one thing – creating self-doubt.  With the right plan, process, tools, and coach, you can break through that self-doubt, lose weight and love how you look in the mirror again.


In this blog, I share some tips for getting started and losing weight for good.  I hope you find these helpful.


For additional info, grab Your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets.  This free document is packed with information to help with your weight loss journey.

If you’re new to my blog, Welcome!  I’m so glad you’re here.  My goal is to provide you with tips that help you get off the weight-loss roller coaster, have more energy and love how you look in the mirror again.

Here are some of my other blogs to check out after you read this one.

If you’re like me, when you’re feeling stuck and nothing seems to be working, you drift into a state of self-doubt, unhappiness, sadness, frustration, disappointment and fear, which often lead to feeling hopeless.  When we feel hopeless, it’s easy to give up and accept this is just the way it is.

If you’re reading this post, you want to lose weight.   I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m betting there is way more to it than just wanting to lose weight.  You may be:

  • tired of being exhausted all the time
  • fed up with the pain in your knees, hip or back after walking through the grocery store
  • disappointed with yourself every time you look in the mirror
  • scared about what your life will be like in 10 years if something doesn’t change

Hear me when I say “No-one should ever have to feel this way”.   I believe in you.  I know you can lose weight and love how you look and feel.  I’m here to help you take control of your journey, re-gain your hope for the future and lose weight for the LAST time.

Let’s get started.

Lose Weight for Good - Find your motivation

Why do you want to lose weight?  What will be different in your life after you lose weight?   When we set out on a new journey, we usually have some sort of expectation or purpose. 

  • What are you expecting to be different after you lose weight? 
  • Do you expect to have more energy to go hiking with your friends? 
  • Will you be able to get on the floor and play with your grandkids? 
  • What about the clothes you wear? Will you wear clothes and styles that you have never been able to fit into before?
  • Will you have more intimacy with your partner?

Picture your life... after you've lost weight

Take a moment and picture what your life will look like after you lose weight.  How is it different? How does it make you feel?  Does it bring you joy and excitement of what can be? Can you picture it?  

Picture your life... if you don't lose weight

Now, think about what your life will be like if you don’t lose weight.  This is a reality check.  If you’ve been burying your head in the sand or ignoring the problem (ie. your desire to lose weight), now’s the time to face it head-on. 

I know it isn’t pleasant to think about.  Our problems rarely are.  You may even have 100 reasons running through your mind right now as to why you should stop reading and push the whole idea aside for later. 


It’s important to realize that this is a normal response. Your mind likes the safety of what it knows.   In order to make lasting changes that will help you reach your goal, taking a look at what happens if you do nothing is super important. 

You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge, right?

Which do you choose?

How do the two scenarios make you feel?  Which one do you want? My guess is you WANT the reality of the life you envisioned after you have lost weight.

You want:

    • more energy
    • to be more active
    • to love how you look in the mirror.

Your vision of success can act as your motivation to get started and NOT give up.

Lose Weight for Good - Set realistic goals

You want to lose weight.  You want success and you want it now.

However, you’ll want to make sure your weight loss goals are realistic.  In general, a realistic goal would be to lose 1 -2 pounds per week. However, there will be weeks when the scale doesn’t move.  I know you don’t want to hear that.  It happens to all of us.


Another option for setting your goal is to set goals around the actions you’re committed to taking.  For example, you may have goals around how many calories you will eat per day, how often you will exercise, how much water you’ll drink per day, etc.


These are more tangible goals you can control.  Given that there are many factors controlling what the scale does on a daily/weekly basis, tangible goals are a more reliable indicator in the short term.

Lose Weight for Good - Have a plan

Just as you wouldn’t jump in your car and head to New York City from San Diego without a map and expect to arrive there on time, you won’t want to set out on your weight loss journey without a plan.


Having a plan can make the difference between hitting your goal and coming up short.  Your plan should include the changes you will make, what you will start doing, what you will stop doing, and how you will handle obstacles and challenges along the way.

Lose Weight for Good - Track your progress

Having a plan is critical.  It’s also critical that you aren’t too attached to the plan. 

You’ll want to periodically evaluate how the plan is working.   To know if it is working, you’ll need to track your progress.   


If you’re consistently following your plan and not seeing results, then it’s time to re-evaluate the plan and make some changes.


So, what should you track?  In an ideal world – Everything.  The more you track the more you increase your odds of success.  Track your starting point – weight, and measurements,  the food you eat, and your exercise.

I know it’s extra work to track everything.  Trust me, you are more likely to be successful if you track as much as possible.   Think of it this way…


Would it be worth the extra effort if it helped you lose weight for good?

Lose Weight for Good - Get a Coach

Improve your odds of success and get a coach.  If a world-class athlete still needs a coach, why wouldn’t you?


Are you thinking “I know what to do. I just need to do it”?  


Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do.  It’s harder for women and get’s even harder as we reach our 50’s. 

It isn’t as simple as some lead us to believe.  Although calories are a huge contributor to weight gain or weight loss, they aren’t the whole story.


If you’ve watched your calorie intake and still struggled to lose weight, you know what I mean.  What about the emotional triggers, sugar addictions, and let’s not forget about our hormones?


Balancing it all gets complicated; however, the most difficult part of all is actually doing what you know you should do, getting started and not giving up. And that’s where having a coach is beneficial.

If you’re serious about reaching your goal and you want to reach it quickly and as painless as possible, a coach is your best bet. 

What does a coach do?

Every coach will be different.  First, you’ll want to decide what you’re looking for in a coach. If you’re not sure, a coach can provide suggestions. 

How much support would you like?  Are you looking for someone to check in on you occasionally and see how you’re doing? Do you want them to keep you honest and push you a little?

You’ll want them to be someone you trust and feel comfortable with so you can share your journey and struggles.  The right coach can be your strongest support and ally and she:

Lose Weight for Good - Enjoy the Journey

This was the hardest thing for me to get my arms around.  It took me way too long to learn and I missed out on the joy of the journey.  Hopefully, I can save you from this mistake.


This is a journey and depending on how much weight you want to lose, it can take a while.  Take it one day at a time.  Focus on what you can do today that will keep you headed in the right direction.


If you’re following my advice about tracking, this will be easier. Celebrate every win.  Even the ones that seem small.  Every action you take is important.  None of them are too small.

  • You walked an extra 100 steps today – WIN!
  • You had more patience today – WIN!
  • You said “no thank you” to the offer of ice cream – WIN!
  • You went to bed 30 minutes early so you could get 8 hours of sleep- WIN!
  • You lost .5 pounds – WIN!
  • You lost 1/4 inch on your thigh – WIN!
  • You grabbed the apple instead of the cookie – WIN!

I hope you found this helpful.  If you’d like to learn more about how a coach can simplify and streamline your weight loss journey, schedule your free 20-minute consultationI look forward to chatting!

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These top female hormones may be why you aren't losing weight.

Are you doing everything right- you’re exercising and eating healthy and still not losing weight?

You may have a hormone imbalance.   Let’s look at some common symptoms and what you can do to balance these top female hormones to lose weight.

Along with your hormones, there are 4 other players that need to be aligned to streamline your weight loss success.  Grab Your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

Are you experiencing hormonal imbalance?

You might be if you are experiencing any of these potential warning signs:

Hormonal imbalance isn’t the only cause of these symptoms; however, your doctor can run blood tests to determine if your hormones are the culprit.

Hormone Imbalance isn't just part of getting older

Isn't it just part of getting older?

Several years ago, I found myself coming home from work and falling asleep in my chair by 6p.  I was also starting to gain a little weight.  It wasn’t out of control, but it was out of the norm for me and I couldn’t pinpoint any reason for it. 


For the longest time, I said nothing and just “dealt with it”.  I worked out harder and watched what I ate even closer. 


I assumed it was just part of getting older. Boy am I glad I was wrong!!

Visit to my Naturopathic Doctor

Then, I decided to see a naturopathic doctor for the first time.  My visit wasn’t about being tired or even the extra weight gain. 

Again, I assumed that was just part of getting older and something I needed to accept.  I had gone to see what could be done about my hot flashes.


If you’ve ever been to a naturopathic doctor, then you know they treat the whole person and look for the underlying problem vs just treating the symptom. 

As he was “getting to know me” and asking lots of questions about how I felt overall, my nutrition, my weight, my fitness routine, any concerns/problems, etc – other than the hot flashes, I casually mentioned that I had been falling asleep at 6p – in the middle of one of my favorite TV shows.  This was NOT normal for me at all.


Although I thought this was just part of getting older, it was a red flag to my doctor.  He immediately ran some tests.  Looking back now, of course, it made no sense.  I was very active, working out nearly every day, and eating pretty healthy.  SO,  why was I so tired and gaining weight?

If this sounds like you, just know you do not have to suffer.  This is NOT just a part of getting older that you need to accept.


I, personally, had several hormones out of whack.  I began feeling like a whole different person once he had them back in balance!

Causes of hormonal imbalance

There are numerous potential causes of hormonal imbalance.  Some of the more common are stress, diet, and the environment.  I will be focusing on how our diet can impact our hormonal balance.

Top Female Hormones to Lose Weight - Insulin

Let’s start with Insulin.


You’re probably familiar with blood sugar levels.  The glucose test is pretty common when you’re having general blood work done.


Insulin is produced by the pancreas and processes the sugar in the foods we eat.  When this is working as it should, the sugar is converted into energy. 


Sugar is in so much of our standard American diet, but it isn’t just sugar you need to think about.  When your body digests carbohydrates, they are turned into sugar. 

Carbohydrates, like bread and pasta, raise your blood sugar more than the carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables.


If your pancreas cannot keep up and produce enough insulin, you may become insulin resistant, and sugar in your bloodstream is not converted to energy and builds up in your bloodstream. 


Excess sugar is then stored as fat.


If you have an insulin imbalance or think you might, you’ll want to check with your doctor to ensure you aren’t causing any long-term health concerns, such as pre-diabetes or diabetes.

Top Female Hormones to Lose Weight - Leptin

Next up — Leptin.


Leptin is produced primarily by your fat cells and is that hormone that makes us feel full.


It is unclear exactly what causes an imbalance in the Leptin hormone.  Genetics, as well as, inflammation caused by stress, poor diet, inadequate exercise and sleep all contribute.


Since Leptin is created by fat cells, if you have extra fat cells you should have high Leptin which would signal the brain that you have plenty of stored energy.


If you are Leptin resistant, your brain may not be receiving this message and thinks you are starving causing you to eat more and conserve energy.

Top Female Hormones to Lose Weight - Ghrelin

When Leptin stops working, the hormone Ghrelin kicks in.


Ghrelin is the opposite of Leptin.  Where Leptin is a hunger suppressant, Ghrelin is known as the hunger hormone and is produced in the stomach.  Ghrelin sends signals to the brain telling us to eat.


Although most of us don’t suffer from not eating enough, if you’re underweight or struggle with gaining weight, you’ll want higher levels of the Ghrelin hormone.

Top Female Hormones to Lose Weight - Cortisol

You may know Cortisol as the stress hormone


Cortisol functions in a variety of capacities, such as managing blood sugar and blood pressure, controls metabolism and reduces inflammation.  Your level of cortisol can also impact sleep.


Cortisol should be higher in the morning and drop off by nighttime. 


If your cortisol is too low in the morning, you may find it difficult to get out of bed.


If your cortisol is too high at night, you may have difficulty falling asleep.


Getting plenty of exercise and maintaining a consistent bedtime and wakeup time will aid in managing your cortisol levels.

Top Female Hormones to Lose Weight - Thyroid

The thyroid is known for regulating your energy levels, healthy weight, and metabolism.


Your thyroid also interacts closely with the rest of your body so when your thyroid isn’t working as it should, other systems like cardiovascular, immune, digestive are impacted too.


It is very common to have your thyroid slow down as you age.  This is one of the hormones that was out of whack for me, causing tiredness and weight gain.  If in doubt, there are blood tests that your doctor can run.

What can you do if you suspect a hormone imbalance?

  1. See your doctor.  I’m biased, but I would recommend you see a naturopathic doctor.
  2. Don’t accept the diagnosis that It is just part of getting older.”
  3. Clean up your nutrition by drinking plenty of water, eating enough quality protein, limit carbohydrates to whole grains and fruits and vegetables, eliminate processed foods and sugar.
  4. Consider an elimination diet to determine if specific foods, like gluten, are contributing to your hormone imbalance.
  5. Exercise
  6. Reduce stress
  7. Get 7 – 8 hours of quality sleep every night with a consistent bedtime and wakeup time – even on the weekends.

If you feel like you’re:

always on  diet…

tired of losing the same 10 pounds over and over…

ready for some serious results…

Download your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets.  The weight loss secrets detailed inside could be the difference that will take you from the status quo to hitting your weight loss goals with more energy and confidence!

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Secrets to removing mental blocks to losing weight

Are you feeling stuck and frustrated? 

Have you decided to eat better  then…  do NOTHING? 

Are you beating yourself up?

Are you feeling even more frustration, sadness, shame, guilt or lost? 

Do you find yourself wondering “why can’t I just do it?”

If any of this sounds like  you, the first thing to remember, is that you are not alone.

Secondly, your feelings of being stuck may actually be your mind playing tricks on you.  In other words, creating mental blocks. 

Not to worry, I’m going to share some secrets to removing these mental blocks that may be hindering your ability to lose weight.

First, let’s take a look at what a mental block might look like.

As you work to remove any mental blocks to weight loss, Grab Your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets for additional support.

If you’re new to my blog, Welcome!  I’m so glad you are here.  My goal is to provide you with tips that help you stay strong and active as you age.

Here are some of my other blogs to check out after you read this one.

Not all mental blocks look the same

Mental Block - - Denial

This is incredibly common.  Remember, this is your mind playing tricks with you.

Do you may find yourself cycling between thoughts of I’m ready to get healthy! to it’s not that bad?

One minute you’re all in and in the next  — nothing. This can be very frustrating and leave you wondering “what’s wrong with me and why can’t I move forward?”   

Is  your mind telling you things like:

  • It’s just part of getting older.
  • My health/weight aren’t that bad.
  • My body isn’t built to be thin.
  • I just need to accept this is the way it is.

First, let’s be sure.  Are these statements true? If you are healthy, energetic and strong, you may be at an ideal weight and weight-loss should NOT be your goal.

Take a moment to evaluate your feelings.  If you still know you need to be healthier or lose weight, then this may be your mind convincing you that you don’t need to change.  Your mind likes the comfort of what it knows.

Mental Block -- Comfort Zone

For the most part, change is uncomfortable.

Even when we don’t like where we are, we are comfortable.  We know what to expect.  This comfort can make it incredibly hard to move away from.  

Is the comfort of the known keeping you stuck?  Sometimes the pain we know is still more comfortable than the pleasure we’ve not experienced.

So, how do you get out of your comfort zone? This is part of  the process of removing mental blocks.   I’ll dive into the how in just a moment.

For now, start thinking about which of these mental blocks may be holding you back.

Mental Block -- Fear of failing

Have you tried to lose weight before and you were unsuccessful?

Have you lost weight in the past, then fell back into old habits and gained it all back?  

Are you afraid you will only “fail” again?

Do you worry about what others will say?   Another diet, really?

Is your mind telling you it’s better to do nothing and NOT fail than to give it another try.

Again, this is just your mind playing tricks on you.

You only fail when you stop trying.  Now that you understand these mental blocks are tricks your mind is playing on you, let’s dive in to how you can remove these mental blocks.

Another way to think of these mental blocks is that they are the lies we tell ourselves. 

It is important to realize,  when we are saying them we fully believe them to be true. 

However,  they are lies we’ve told ourselves for so long that we believe them. Some of these lies may be so deeply rooted than you will NOT see them as a lie.

Do you have any lies you are telling yourself?

The worst lies in life are the ones we tell ourselves

Secret 1 - Removing Mental Blocks to Losing Weight

Focus on the ultimate benefit of weight loss.

Ok, so, you want to lose weight.  Do you immediately think of diet and exercise, restrictions, punishment, and being deprived of all the foods you love? 

Those thoughts alone could have you running the other direction in no time.  Perhaps they have in the past.

What if you were to say “I want to be healthy”? or “I want to have the endurance to go hiking with my friends.”

Don’t these goals sound more positive than “I want to lose weight”?

How we phrase our goals has a huge impact on our ability to be successful.  Try rephrasing with a positive view.  

Nothing looks as good as healthy feels

Secret 2 - Removing Mental Blocks to Losing Weight

Believe in yourself

How are you talking to yourself?  Are you saying I’ve got this,  or I’m getting healthier everyday?

Try rephrasing your goal with a positive benefit in mind, as I mentioned above.  By doing this,  you should be feeling more confident in your ability to reach your goals. 

Even if you’re not 100% convinced that you can reach your goal YET, make it a point everyday to tell yourself you’re getting better.   Because you are!

Give yourself the same encouragement you would a friend.

Secret 3 - Removing Mental Blocks to Losing Weight

Take it one day at a time

Are you focused on a really big goal that will take a year to reach?  If so, break these bigger goals down into manageable bite-size pieces. 

These mini-goals also create the opportunity to celebrate throughout your journey without the overwhelm of what may seem like an impossible goal in the beginning.

What can you do TODAY to get you closer to your goal?  Just focus on today.

Instead of a focus on losing 50 pounds, what if today you focus on eating 4 servings of vegetables, drinking more water or getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep, going for a walk?  These are all steps towards being healthier and reaching your goal of losing weight.

Secret 4 - Removing Mental Blocks to Losing Weight

Ditch the All or Nothing Mindset

With diets, there is an end.  You reach your goal weight, celebrate and then what happens more often than not is that you go back to old habits and the weight is all gained back.   Then, we’re back to the next diet.   Sound familiar?

Well, if so, how about NEVER going on another diet?

A goal to be healthy is a journey and a lifestyle.  It is NOT a diet.   There is no end. We don’t say I’m healthy, I’m done.  We want to STAY healthy, right?

It also is NOT all or nothing.  Everything can be enjoyed in moderation.

If you think of it as 80% of what you eat falling in the healthier foods category and 20% less nutritious, there’s always room for a treat.  Doesn’t that sound better than a diet?

Secret 5 - Removing Mental Blocks to Losing Weight

How do you think about food and/or exercise?

Do you think of food and exercise as a reward or punishment?  Do you use food to find joy and happiness in life?

What if you thought of food as the fuel your body needs to function properly?  With the proper foods, your body takes you where you want to go, when you want, as fast as you want, for as long as you want.

The same goes for exercise.  Do you make yourself exercise as punishment for eating that piece of cake?  What if you thought of exercise as the reward you deserve?  You deserve to have a strong and healthy body.

Eating healthy, nutritious foods and exercising are things you do for YOU.  You deserve to have a strong and healthy body.

Secret 6 - Removing Mental Blocks to Losing Weight

Do you have an accountability partner or coach?

It has been proven time and time again that we are more successful at reaching our goals when we have an accountability partner or coach,

We all need a coach in some part of our lives. 

Someone that:

  – keeps us accountable

  – pushes us to be better than we believe we can be

  –  reminds us that we CAN DO IT!

  –  will call us on our excuses

  – helps us see those pesky mental blocks before they get the better of us.

 – is always looking out for your best interest

 – provides encouragement

Secret 7 - Removing Mental Blocks to Losing Weight

What does your future look like?

I know I told you to take it one day at a time and I stick by that; however, it always helps to have a vision of what your future will look like. 

How will you feel – happy, strong, energetic, more confident, etc?

What will you be doing – more physical activities like hiking, traveling,? 

What does success look like – the ability to do something you can’t physically do today, or do it with less pain, smiling when you look in a mirror, feeling sexy and more intimate with your partner?

One last thing, which of these “future” things can you start doing today?  Can you start enjoying them while you’re on the journey?

Ready to take action?

So, now you know how to recognize some of your mental blocks and how they are tricking your mind and keeping you stuck.

You have some ideas on how to shift your mindset and how you can look at your weight loss goals differently.

Taking that first step and getting started is always the hardest.  Grab Your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets and start your journey to a healthier YOU today.

Sarah's story is all too common.

This is Sarah’s story of how she overcame feelings of sadness, physical pain, and lack of energy and landed her dream job by incorporating a healthy diet into her lifestyle.

If you can relate to Sarah’s story, and want to create your own journey from pain to dream job, I’m here to help.

Schedule a complimentary coaching call.

Sarah was a collegiate volleyball All-Star.   After college, she began an exciting career with a Fortune 100 company, got married and had two boys, Michael and Rick. 

First signs of emotional pain

Fast forward 25 years... a Tuesday morning in early October

As Sarah’s getting ready for work, she walks past the same mirror she has walked past hundreds of times. 

Today is different.  She stops and stares back at the mirror.

“Do I really look like that?  When did I gain all that weight? How did this happen?”

As she stands confused, she begins a downward descent on an emotional roller-coaster filled with guilt, disgust, embarrassment, fear and sadness.  Overwhelmed with emotion, she slumps onto the floor and the tears begin.

As if a switch had been flipped...

The tears stop.  Sarah pushes all emotion aside, fixes her makeup and heads to the office.

On the drive into the office, she repeats to herself…

“It’s not that bad.  The mirror is making me look worse than it is.  I’m fine, I just need to stop thinking about it!” 

Sarah turns her attention to her dream job.

“John will be retiring next year.   This is what I’ve been working for my entire career.”

She began working even more hours, late nights, and weekends too.   

As she admits later, work allowed her to ignore what she desperately didn’t want to think about. 

In addition, she either skipped lunch or grabbed a quick burger and fries from the café.

By mid-afternoon, she’d grab whatever was handy from the vending machine to keep her going. 

Physical pain becomes a reality.

As tulips begin peeking out from under the snow

Sarah is noticing pain in her knees and back.  She rationalizes, “I’ve just been sitting too long.  Not a big deal.”    As the pain worsened, she unconsciously began having more meetings in her office, instead of walking across the building. 

Then one evening, her husband, Rob, notices as she carefully stands up from the couch with a grimace and clenched teeth. He says, “Sarah, Enough!  You need to see a doctor.”

After avoiding the scale for months

The doctor’s scale forces Sarah to acknowledge she is 75 lbs heavier than when she got married.  It was like a sledgehammer hitting her in the head.  She knew at that moment she had to do something. 

But, what?

All Sarah could think about

was that her dream job would be available in a few months.  She knew she was qualified.  She also knew the competition would be tough.  

“I’ve worked so hard.  I cannot let it be for nothing.  I will not blow this.”

She knew that to nail this interview, she would need to be at the top of her game and that meant confident, energetic and pain free.  She wasn’t feeling very confident.  That had to change. 

Over dinner, Sarah shared her thoughts with Rob.

“I need a plan.   I know that by eating healthier foods my energy levels will rise and as I lose weight my knee and back pains should subside. 

I’m not sure where to begin though.  They will start interviewing for my dream job in a couple months.  I need to be ready.   I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.  I need some help.”

The journey from pain to her dream job begins

Sarah finds a lifestyle coach.

A healthy meal plan Sarah can follow.

With the help of her coach, they created a healthy meal plan Sarah could stick to. 

Small, yet consistent changes.  Foods she liked.  Sarah was surprised that she didn’t have to cut out entire food groups.

There were no forbidden foods!  She could still eat her favorite foods.  Sarah also understood that for faster results she would want to limit how often she ate them.

It wasn’t a diet.  She could do this! 

Taking healthy lunch and snacks to work.

Taking her own healthy lunches and snacks was easier than she thought AND a whole lot faster than standing in line at the cafeteria!

She quickly realized she no longer felt sluggish after eating lunch AND she felt full and satisfied for several hours. 

Say goodbye to vending machine!

Best of all, she no longer found herself debating over the cookies or chips in the vending machines.    

Sarah found herself with a new problem.

 All of her clothes were becoming baggy.   That problem was easily solved with a shopping spree for smaller sized clothes!

Her biggest surprise of all...

Her sense of joy, happiness and pride were through the roof. 

“I had no idea how down I was feeling.  I guess you don’t even realize how bad you feel until you compare it to feeling amazing.

Although my journey is not complete, I already feel like I’m on top of the world.  I feel like I can do ANYTHING.  AND, first on my list is to rock that interview today.”  

From Pain to her Dream Job

Sarah yelled...

 “Wish me luck” as she ran out the door, with a new kick in her step and more than prepared for her interview.