Use this time to create your at-home fitness routine

at home workout

Which group are you?

Missing your gym that is currently closed due to COVID19 or

Ready to take advantage of your extra time at home and start a fitness routine?

Either way, in this post you’ll find some tips to use this time to create your at-home fitness routine.

If you’re new to my blog, Welcome!  I’m so glad you are here.  My goal is to provide you with tips that help you stay strong and active as you age.

Here are some of my other blogs to check out after you read this one.

Create your at-home fitness routine - Find a space in your home

You don’t need a lot of space, but it’s best if you can dedicate a space, room or even a corner of a room as your “exercise area”.  You’ll need about the length of your body for exercises like pushups.

Create your at-home fitness routine - Make it fun!

So, what if you don’t have any fitness equipment at home? That’s ok.  There are plenty of exercises you can do with no equipment at all. I share some of those below.

We don’t have to stop there though.   You have plenty of things in your home that can be used as your equipment. This is when we get to be creative.

So, walk around your house and look at everything with a different purpose in mind.  The best place I like to start is the panty.

If it weighs a pound or so, it can be used as resistance for various exercises.  Grab a variety of different sizes.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Canned goods – no glass  – none of us want spaghetti sauce all over the carpet!  Canned goods come in all sizes so you can find one that works best for every exercise.

at-home workout equipment
at-home workout equipment

Miscellaneous plastic bottles – things like laundry detergent, liquid bath soap, juice, shampoo, contact solution.  The list of possibilities is endless.

How about a case of water?  This would be great for exercises like squats.  A full case of 16.9 oz bottles will be a little over 25 pounds.  Hold the case on both sides in front of you as you squat.

at-home workout equipment

Click the button below to grab a copy of your free 7- day at-home workout plan. 

This plan incorporates bodyweight-only exercises as well as some household items you collected above.

You might also want to check out one of my past blogs  – Secrets to a strong, healthy body – that shows photos and more common exercises you can try.

Create an at-home fitness routine that doesn't require any equipment

You can create an entire workout with no equipment at all.  Here’s an idea of how you could create a workout with no equipment.  

  • 15 pushups (chest)
  • 25 bodyweight squats (quads)
  • 10 burpees (cardio)
  • 10 tricep pushups (triceps)
  • 25 glute bridges (butt)
  • Jumping Jacks for 1 minute (cardio)
  • 15 V-pushups (shoulders)
  • 15 Lunges both sides (hamstrings)
  • 25 situps
  • Stretch and DONE!

You can do it one time through or stop at the situps and repeat.  Just remember to add in the stretch at the end.

Create your at-home fitness routine - pick a consistent time

When creating a routine or habit, it’s best if you can find a time of day that you can consistently exercise.  For some, like me, that’s first thing in the morning after you roll out of bed. 

For others, that may be at the end of the day.  Pick what works best for you, schedule it in your calendar and keep your appointment!

Create your at-home fitness routine - find a virtual accountability partner

Especially when you’re first starting a fitness program, an accountability partner can come in super handy. 

Grab(virtually) a friend that also wants to start exercising. 

Agree to check in with each other and see how the workout went. 

You can help encourage each other and knowing you have a check -in will help keep you from missing that appointment you put on your calendar to workout.

You can make a game of it too.  Whoever misses the most workouts, buys the other one a massage, dinner, etc.

And, if you both stick to the plan you reward yourselves with a shopping trip.  You pick the rewards but have fun with it.

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