Is eating healthy at restaurants possible?


You made the commitment to eat healthy.   You’ve been following your healthy nutrition plan all week. It’s Saturday night.    You’re excited about an evening with friends, an amazing meal, and one you didn’t have to cook, except…

you wonder,  “Is eating healthy at restaurants even possible?  Will I blow all my progress in one meal?  


Eating healthy at home has its own set of obstacles; however, the most challenging part of living a healthy lifestyle is eating out.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

You could avoid eating out, but healthy eating is a lifestyle for life. Can you commit to never eating out again?  I know I can’t (or, at least don’t want to).  Eating out is social.  It’s fun.  And, let’s face it – the food tastes good!


It’s also loaded with hidden fats, sugars and salt and therefore, excess calories that probably are not part of your healthy eating plan.


With that being said, let me share with you easy and sustainable tips on how to enjoy eating out while keeping your calories in line.

1. Eating Healthy at Restaurants - Check the menu

Check the menu before you go. Most restaurants provide the nutrition for their menu online.  Be sure to take a look at calories, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, sugar and protein.


It may be difficult to find the “perfect” meal that fits into your nutrition plan.  Don’t stress about it.  Just do the best you can.  Some meals will be lower in calories, and have enough sodium for a week!

2. Choose a meal high in protein

Protein is filling and with the right cuts of meat, like sirloin, chicken and fish, they can fit well into your healthy meal plan.  I would recommend 20 grams of protein at a minimum, which will be easy to do if your meal includes meat.

3. Eating Healthy at Restaurants - Watch for key words

Eating healthy at restaurants can feel a bit like detective work.   Usually, the name of the food or the description will offer hints as to just how healthy or not it is. 


Look for words such as “broiled”, “grilled”, or “steamed”—this means that the food is cooked with less fat. Beware of dishes with descriptions such as “alfredo”, “breaded”, “crispy”, “creamy”, “dipped”, “fried”, and rich”.

4. Add veggies for your sides

You can even ask for a double order of veggies.  Grilled veggies are going to be your best option.  The chef’s goal is to make these as absolutely delicious as possible and that usually means loads of butter.  Those calories are going to add up quickly and your healthy veggies are no longer so healthy.  Just ask if you can get them without butter.

5. Eating Healthy at Restaurants - Decide before you go

Make your decision before you get there.  Once you see the food on other’s plates or smell the aroma, making a healthy choice just got ten times harder.

6. Consider skipping the extras

This may be a special occasion and you’re not holding back.   That is fine.  Go for it and enjoy!


If you dine out frequently, then you may want to consider skipping the extras.  By that I mean, skip the appetizer, bread basket, and dessert.  Have a nice entree and be done! 


You’ll save hundreds and maybe even thousands of calories, literally. 

Just as an example…

  • A blooming onion is approx 1700 calories.  Assuming you share this with 3 other friends, that’s still 425 calories. 
  • The bread basket is deadly (at least for me), one warm dinner roll will cost you upwards of 200 calories.
  • And, then there’s dessert… If you like the warm, chocolatey brownie type desserts, this will be well over 1000 calories. Definitely, one to consider sharing at a minimum.

7. Eating Healthy at Restaurants - Order first

 Once you start hearing everyone else order, you are more likely to start thinking “oh, that sounds good!” Order your healthier meal and then switch your focus to the enjoyable evening and conversation with friends.

8. Don't starve yourself

This is a big no-no.  If you don’t eat all day as a way to “save” calories, you’re likely to eat even more at dinner. 


You’ll be super hungry AND will likely have convinced yourself it is ok because you “saved” calories.  Usually we end up eating more calories than we “saved”.


So instead of skipping meals, eat light meals during the day. Or eat something light before you head to the restaurant.  You do not want to enter the restaurant super hungry.  Trust me! Grab a piece of fruit, some veggies or nuts.  


And, by all means, enjoy the dining experience. Eat slowly. Fast eaters tend to eat more whereas slow eaters tend to eat less and are still satisfied. Remember the 20-minute rule: It takes 20 minutes for your brain to acknowledge your stomach’s signal that it’s already full.

9. Make healthier choices

While some restaurants provide some nutritional info on the menu, most do not.  There will undoubtedly be more calories in restaurant recipes than the ones you make at home.  In addition to looking at the key words, noted in tip 2 above, here are some additional tips to keep your calories in check.

Eating Healthy at Restaurants - Appetizers

Personally, I recommend skipping the appetizers; however, if you are going to order appetizers choose the ones that are primarily light, satisfying and nutritious like lettuce cups, shrimp cocktail, or fresh fruits. Avoid high-calorie appetizers, especially the ones that are breaded or fried.

Healthy appetizers - tomato soup

The best soups are those that are broth-based or tomato-based.  This is another extra that I personally would skip.

You may ask the waitperson not to serve the bread basket. Or you may ask for a whole-grain bread, breadsticks, and crackers. Say no to muffins, garlic toast, or croissants as these are high in calories.

Eating Healthy at Restaurants - Salads and Entrees

Choose a low-fat dressing and a bowl of lettuce or spinach salad. Beware of high-caloric add-ons such as cheese and croutons as well as chef and taco salad. Remember, just because it’s called “salad” does not make it low-calorie or healthy.

Skip creamy and pasta dishes. Go back to my second tip: check the key words before ordering.

Eating Healthy at Restaurants - Desserts

Top off your meal with fresh fruit, sorbet or sherbet. Or consider sharing with your companion(s).  Only order dessert after you’ve eaten your meal.  Once you’ve enjoyed a delicious meal, you will likely be full and have no desire for dessert.

10. Share an entree

Restaurant meals are often enough for 2.   I love the idea of sharing.  You can have a higher calorie meal without feeling stuffed or like you had to sacrifice taste to eat out.  On occasion, I love a great burger.  Burgers usually have enough calories for my entire day’s allotment. BUT, if I share the burger with a friend, I get to enjoy my burger with absolutely  NO GUILT!

As you can see, with a bit of planning, you can eat out and stick to your healthy eating plan.

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You want amazing results.  You want them fast.   But, how?

It’s actually quite simple.

The fastest way to your amazing results is with an accountability coach.

What exactly does an accountability coach do?  How can they help you get the amazing results you want FASTER?   If you’ve been going it alone, and you’re not seeing the results you want, an accountability coach just might be your answer.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

Wondering if an accountability coach is right for you?

What is an accountability coach?

In general, an accountability coach is someone who can help you reach your goals following a proven path with more confidence and fewer missteps.

What does an accountability coach do?

Identify exactly what you want to accomplish

An accountability coach can help you get clear on the exact goal you want to accomplish.  They can also help you fine tune your goal into a SMART goal.  In case you aren’t familiar with SMART goals, a SMART goal is specific, measureable , attainable, realistic and time-bound.

Set realistic timelines

You want results.  I want results.  The problem with that….

We often want results faster than is possible.  An accountability coach can help you set realistic timelines so you avoid unnecessary disappointment and frustration. 

Create specific action steps

Having a goal is critical.  What’s even more important?  The specific action steps needed to reach your goal. Your coach will help you design the action steps that are best for you and the goal you want to achieve.

Stay on track

Have you ever fallen off track?  A missed workout turns into weeks of missed workouts.  A weekend binge turns into more of the same.  Then come thoughts of “I really need to get back on track.”  But, how?  The routine is gone.  It feels like starting all over again!

Taking a day off,  enjoying a weekend binge of nachos and margaritas isn’t going to hurt you.  A coach will help get you right back on track without missing a beat.

Shines light on blind spots

We all have blind spots that may be keeping us from hitting our goals.  An Accountability coach sees what we can’t.    And we need to see them in order to change them.

Support, support, support

An accountability coach offers support.  Support can come in a variety of ways.  Answering questions, providing encouragement, listening, course correcting and so much more.

An Accountability Coach will keep you honest

A coach won’t just tell  you what you want to hear.  They tell you what you need to hear.  You want results.  It’s your coaches job to help you get those results. And, the only way to get results is to be honest with ourselves.

Motivates and inspires

Motivation comes from within.  An accountability coach can help you find your motivation.  They can also help you develop the discipline to keep moving forward even when you don’t feel like it.   They can lead by example and share success stories of other women just like you to give you the inspiration to keep moving forward.

Tracks your progress

How do you know if you’re making progress toward your goal?  Track it.  What and how much you track is up to you.  You can track the workouts, how much weight you lifted, the number of reps, how you felt, the foods you are eating, your weight, how much sleep you got.  The list could go on and on.  You and your coach can decide together what makes sense for you.

Just knowing someone else is tracking your progress can also help keep you more accountable to your goals and the action steps needed to get there.

Excuses eliminated

If you haven’t used an excuse or two along your fitness journey, well, you might not be normal.  We all have excuses.  It’s part of being human. 

I’m too tired, too busy, I’ve got an important deadline at work – top the list of excuses.

In the moment, they almost always feel like good reasons for not doing what you committed to doing.  A coach will help you maneuver through the excuses so you actually make the progress you want.

Prepare for obstacles

It’s not if, but when will an obstacle occur.  An accountability coach will help you prepare for obstacles.  When you have a plan, obstacles won’t derail your progress.

An Accountability Coach will Challenge You

Getting stuck in our comfort zone happens to all of us.  How long have you been lifting that same dumbbell for the same number of reps with the same amount of rest between sets.  Maybe it’s getting a bit too comfortable, a bit too easy?  A coach will keep you challenged so you keep making progress and avoid the dreaded plateau.

Never go it alone with an Accountability Coach

With a coach, you are never on this journey alone.  Family and friends may tire of hearing about the extra rep you cranked out today or the frustration you are feeling because the scale went up .4 of a pound.  Your coach is with you for the long haul and understands the ups and downs of the journey.

Celebrate your wins

Every win – no matter how small it may seem – deserves a celebration.  No, not with cake and ice cream.   Celebration, nonetheless.   Maybe it’s hearing “Great job!” or maybe it’s time to celebrate with a massage, or a new workout  top.  A coach will remind you to stop and appreciate how hard you’ve been working, give yourself some kudos or a pat on the back.

It’s amazing how the celebration/recognition of even a small win can energize you for your next hard workout!

Do you need an accountability coach to get results?


Research shows that when someone publicly shares their goals, they have around a 65% chance of success. However, having a specific accountability partner boosts that chance to 95%.

How disciplined are you?  Will you follow through on your action steps even when you don’t feel like it?   If so, then you may not need an accountability coach.   

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How much do you know about chronic inflammation? 

In this blog, I share four critical things every woman should know about chronic inflammation, including the foods to eat and those to avoid to reduce chronic inflammation.

New here?  Thanks for stopping by.  After you read this post, check out my other blogs for the woman over 50 who wants to lose body fat while building muscle  and creating their ideal body.

1. Inflammation can be good and it can be bad.

The good…  Inflammation is part of the body’s natural defense system.  It occurs when our body recognizes some sort of trauma (ie. a skinned knee, a bruise) and begins the healing process.  This is referred to as acute inflammation.

The bad… However, chronic inflammation occurs when the body is unable to repair or heal from the trauma.  There are several reasons for this, including autoimmune disorder, which are outside the depth of this article and require a visit to your doctor. 

Chronic inflammation is often brought on by or made worse through lifestyle choices such as our diets and physical activity, or lack thereof.  It can also increase the risk of other diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and even Alzhiemer’s disease.  


The good news…


Although you don’t have control over every risk, such as aging, you do have significant control over some major lifestyle choices. These lifestyle choices include smoking, your diet and physical exercise.  

2. Foods that contribute to chronic inflammation

It will probably be no surprise that the foods that contribute to chronic inflammation also contribute to obesity and many other diseases. Just one more reason, to limit these foods in your diet.

Added Sugar: sugary beverages, such as sodas and fruit juices are some of the biggest contributors when it comes to added sugar.  


Study after study confirms that excess added sugar contributes to chronic inflammation.   As little as 40g of added sugar, which is equivalent to one can of regular soda (ie. Coke/Pepsi) consumed on a regular basis may be all it takes.

Refined carbohydrates:  white bread, pasta, white rice, crackers, sugary cereals.  Refined carbs have a similar effect as added sugar.  They lack fiber and are processed quickly within the body causing an increase in blood sugar which creates the inflammatory response.

Fried foods: french fries, fried chicken, egg rolls, mozzarella sticks. Often prepared with saturated fats, which should be limited to 10% or less of your daily calories.

Processed meats: deli meats, beef jerky, bacon, hot dogs, smoked meat.   Processed meats are often high in saturated fat. 


A serving with more than 4 grams of saturated fat is considered “high” in saturated fat.  Small amounts of saturated fat can be incorporated into your diet.   It is highly recommended that saturated fat be 10% or less of your daily calories.

Trans fats: shortening, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, margarine.  Trans fats have no nutritional value and have been deemed unsafe at all levels of consumption.  They are officially banned in the United States.

3. Foods that reduce chronic inflammation

The following foods have been found to help fight inflammation.  If you’re like me, you’ll be happy to see this list of anti-inflammatory foods is a lengthy one.

Berries have antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects.  They can also boost immunity and reduce your risk of heart disease. The most common are blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries.

Fatty Fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovies contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation that leads to metabolic syndrome, heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease.

Broccoli is rich in an antioxidant that fights inflammation.

Avocados are loaded with potassium, magnesium, fiber and monounsaturated fats (ie. good fats).  They’ve also been linked to a reduced risk of cancer.

Green tea has been found to reduce inflammation related to heart disease, Alzheimer’s and some cancers.   Green tea can interfere with some medications so check with your physician before adding green tea to your diet.

Bell Peppers and chili peppers are loaded with antioxidants that reduce inflammation.

Mushrooms include antioxidants that can reduce inflammation; however, one study found that cooking them may lower the anti-inflammatory benefits.

Grapes contain several compounds that can reduce inflammation.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of the healthiest fats.   It also provides powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.

Dark chocolate and cocoa are packed with antioxidants that lower inflammation.  Make sure it contains at least 70% cocoa.  The higher the better.

Tomatoes contain antioxidants that lower inflammation.  You can also cook tomatoes in extra-virgin olive oil for even better benefits.

Cherries also contain antioxidants that lower inflammation.

Here’s a summary of the anti-inflammatory foods you should eat more of and the inflammatory foods you’ll want to limit as much as possible to avoid chronic inflammation.

4. Best exercises for reducing chronic inflammation

Aside from eating a healthy diet, working out is also an effective way to reduce inflammation. Just two and a half hours of exercise per week has been shown to decrease inflammation by up to 12%. You may be wondering which types of exercises work best with chronic inflammation.  If so, here are 4 types of exercise for you to consider.

Walking. A consistent 20-minute walk helps significantly in reducing inflammation. It’s also great for muscle recovery and reducing stress.

For tips on how to start a walking program, click here.

Yoga is also a great way to reduce chronic inflammation since it combines deep breathing exercises and gentle movements. It also helps in lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety and improves flexibility.

For additonal benefits from improved flexiblity, click here.

Resistance training is the best way to build strength.  You can start with bodyweight exercises to limit the stress on joints and add additional resistance with bands and weights if and when you are ready. Furthermore, research shows that resistance training can improve inflammation in middle-aged to older adults.

For free at-home workout plans, click the images below.

Cycling is a great way to diversify your workout routine. This is a good choice for people with joint pain or arthritis since it’s low impact. It also promotes a range of motion for both the knee and hips.

Pulling it all together ...

  • Eat a variety of anti-inflammatory foods.
  • Limit foods that are known to cause or worsen inflammation
  • Keep moving.  Find the exercises that work best for your personal situation.

Remember, the benefits are far more reaching than just reducing chronic inflammation.   To remind you of just a few of those benefits:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Reduced risk of heart disease, alzheizmer’s disease, some cancers

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Reduce chronic inflammation naturally

Wish you had more willpower?  Willpower to say no to the chocolate brownie?  Willpower to say yes to some extra physical activity?  Well, get ready to strengthen your willpower!

How to strengthen willpowe

How strong is your willpower?  Does it come and go?  My willpower seems to be on a “break” whenever I need it the most.

What exactly is willpower?

According to the American Psychological Association, willpower is the ability to resist short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals.

Does that sound like the “willpower” you’d like to strengthen?

If you’re on a journey to eat healthier, exercise more I’m guessing you can relate.  Say no to cookie today (short-term temptation) in order to lose 20 pounds in a few months (long-term goal).

Lack of Willpower Cause of Missed Goals?

Most women believe willpower is the #1 reason they have difficulty sticking with their healthy lifestyle changes.  So, what can you do?

Tip #1 to Strengthen Your Willpower - Know why

The 1st step must be to  know why you want to make the change in the first place. 

This is your “why power” and is far more powerful and reliable than willpower alone.

Do you have a reason that is especially important to you?  How badly do you want it?  Just wanting  something doesn’t make it happen; however, the stronger your reason (your why power) the “easier’ it is to boost your willpower.

Tip #2 to Strengthen Your Willpower - Hide it

Next, make it easier on yourself.  So often, we think if only we had willpower, we could walk right past the plate of cookies and not want to eat one.  If only it were that easy.

Why put that extra pressure on yourself?  Instead, hide the cookies.

This is the “out of sight out of mind” strategy and believe me this is POWERFUL.

Tip #3 to Strengthen Your Willpower - Have a Plan

Temptations are often the product of our friends and family – ie. someone offers you a cookie at a party or at the office.  What do you do?

This is when you need to have a plan.  What will you do “if” someone offers you a food/treat that you are trying to avoid/limit so you can hit your weight loss goal?  This is your “if-then” plan.

It’s highly unlikely your willpower will be there for you, if you don’t know how you will respond BEFORE it happens.

Tip #4 to Strengthen Your Willpower - Small changes

Keep the changes you’re making small.  Too many changes can be overwhelming and incredibly difficult to sustain.  Pick one small change vs trying to overhaul your entire diet or exercise routine.

For example, if you’d like to eat more vegetables, add one more serving of vegetables per day.

Tip #5 to Strengthen Your Willpower - Reward yourself

Way too often, we think we’ll celebrate when we hit our end goal.  What about all the mini goals along the way?  

If you’re following tip #4 above, then you’re making small changes.  Every time you are successful with following through on your small changes, you need a reward.

By reward, I DO NOT mean food.  Your reward might be going for a walk, reading a book, getting a massage or pedicure, buying a new outfit.   Something that you enjoy.  You decide the frequency and what “wins” you a reward.

More than willpower... Self-Discipline

I’ve talked about some ways you can increase your willpower; however, you will likely need more than willpower to reach your goals.

Willpower is most valuable for short-term situations.  Willpower is what helps you eat an extra serving of vegetables today, tomorrow and maybe even next week. 

Then what?  If you want to continue the action, self-discipline will be critical.

How do you develop self-discipline?

Self-discipline takes some work. 

Some days  you just plain won’t want to do it.  Willpower won’t get you to do it.  You will need self-discipline.  You said you were going to do it so… 

You do it even when you don’t feel like it.

Following the tips above consistently will be key.  In addition to those,  share your goals and intentions with others and ASK for their help.  Give them permission to “remind” you if your actions are not in alignment with your goals.

And lastly, be honest with yourself.  Are you being the person you want to be?  For example, if you want to be healthy are you being (acting as) a healthy person?

Strengthen your willpower and self-discipline

You can strengthen your willpower and self-discipline over time as you create healthy routines.  The more you do it, the easier it gets.

To make it a routine, you’ll want to be consistent as much as possible.  Decide if the action is something you can do daily or weekly.  Then, create a plan to stay consistent. 

Set reminders on your calendar, post-its on the refrigerator.

And lastly, you must believe you can be successful.  Remember the quote by Henry Ford…

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”

Pulling it all together

  • Willpower will get you started and is great for short-term actions.
  • Why Power is more powerful and reliable than willpower alone.
  • Keep temptations out of sight.
  • Always have an “if-then” plan
  • Start with one small change at a time
  • Reward yourself along the way
  • Self-discipline will be needed as you build healthy routines for the long-term.
  • Ask for help
  • Believe you can do it! Because you can!
For daily tips to keep you focused on your healthy lifestyle goals, I invite you to join my FREE Facebook community for women approaching or over 50.

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Are you getting enough quality sleep?  

How much sleep should you get?

What are the different stages of sleep and are they important?

Why do I wake up tired after a full nights sleep?

Keep reading for:

  • answers to these questions
  • tips on how you can get a better nights sleep
  • small changes you can make to feel more energized when you wake up.

Sleep is so incredibly important.  This is when our body repairs itself.  Quality sleep protects our physical and mental health.

How we feel when we are awake is directly correlated to how well we sleep.


Our bodies are all different and therefore how much sleep we need will vary.  I always wonder though when someone says they only need 4 hours of sleep per night.

That may be true.  I wonder…

Are you getting enough quality sleep? How many hours do you need?

Let’s start with how many hours of sleep most of us adults need per night.


While the required number of hours of sleep will vary by individual, most healthy adults need 7 – 9 hours of sleep.

I'm getting 7 - 9 hours of sleep, but I wake up tired.

Are you getting 7 – 9 hours of sleep and still waking up tired?


Well, that could mean a lot of things.

What I found for me is that when I don’t get quality sleep, I wake up feeling tired and dragging.  Being in bed for 8 hours isn’t the same as getting 8 hours of quality sleep.


And, as always, be sure to consult your doctor as there could always be health issues that are impacting your sleep.

How do you know if you're getting quality sleep?

It’s not a perfect science, but I really like using a sleep tracker.  There are a variety of them on the market.  I personally have a Fitbit watch so that is what I’m using. 


Most of the sleep trackers will give you a sleep score which gives you at least an indication (they aren’t perfect) of how well you slept.


My Fitbit also gives me an indication of how much time I spent in each stage of sleep, which I find very helpful.  The most critical sleep stage is deep sleep

What are the impacts of not getting enough quality sleep?

Sleep deprivation can be devestating to your health and you absolutely need to see your doctor to alleviate long-term impacts. If you are living with sleep deprivation, it could result in:
  • memory issues
  • weakened immunity
  • mood swings
  • trouble concentrating
  • high blood pressure
  • weight gain
  • risk of heart disease
  • poor balance
  • early aging
If in doubt, see your doctor.  Not only are these impacts significant, you could also have other underlying health issues causing your in ability to get quality sleep.

What are the stages of sleep?

I’m not a doctor or a sleep expert.  I’m sharing what I’ve learned from my own personal research.


There are 5 stages (stages 3 and 4 are often combined) of sleep.

I’ll briefly explain the basics of each stage and which one is perhaps, most important.

What occurs during Stage 1?

Stage 1 occurs as you are starting to fall asleep.  This is the very beginning of the sleep cycle and you are in a very light sleep.


At risk of stating the obvious… your eyes are closed.  This stage may only last 5 – 10 minutes and if you wake during this stage you may feel like you have not slept at all.

What happens during Stage 2?

In stage 2,  you are still drifting off to sleep.  This is the stage where your breathing and heart beat slow down, your musles relax and your body temperature decreases.


Your body is preparing for deeper sleep.

Perhaps the most critical of all... Stage 3 and Stage 4

Stages 3 and 4 are deep sleep.  According to, this is when the body is repairing tissues, building muscle and bones and strengthens our immune system.


It is during this stage that our memories are consolidated.  Individuals with insomnia often experience imparied memory.


This is also when it is most difficult to wake someone.


This was a big ah ha moment for me.  I’ve been known to sleep through a phone ringing, literally next to my bed.  Although, annoying to the person trying to call me, I now know I must have been in a “deep sleep” stage.


Per, we need approx 1 – 2 hours of deep sleep per night.

Do you dream at night?

Stage 5, or also known as REM (rapid eye movement) is when we are most likely to dream.



Interesting fact: When we are dreaming, our arms and legs are temporarily paralyzed to keep us from acting out our dreams.

How can you get more deep sleep?

So, now we know how critical it is to get quality deep sleep. That’s all great, but you may be wondering “how do I do that?” Here are some tips to try out:
  • Create a night-time ritual and regular sleep hours
  • Reduce stress
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Exercise (but not too close to bed time)
  • Sleep in a cool room
  • Block out light
  • Avoid caffeine late in day
  • Take time to relax prior to sleep
  • Minimize bluelight an hour before sleep

As you explore your healthy living lifestyle, consider joining our free Facebook community.  I share tips on healthy eating, exercise, motivation as well as share my personal healthy living journey.

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You’ve made the decision… Now, how do you commit to your healthy living journey?  First, know it is a journey not a destination.

AND, there is no such thing as perfection.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

Before I dive into how you can commit to healthy living, let’s define healthy living.


One definition is “taking steps and actions today so that you experience overall wellbeing free of disease in the future”.


Personally, I want more than to be free of disease.  Although, it is definitely a critical piece.


You may also want more energy, to feel more confident, or just plain to FEEL GOOD.


For more info on healthy living, check out a previous blog Prevent chronic disease tomorrow by doing these 10 thing today”.

Commit to Healthy Living - Know why you're doing it

Don't skip this one!

Anyone can live healthy for one day.  But, you’re here because you want to commit to your long term health.


Knowing why you want to live healthy will also help you identify what healthy living means for you. 

For example, are you focusing on:

  • eating healthy
  • physical activity
  • stress management

Commit to Healthy Living - Start Slow

There are hundreds of things you could to do start a healthy living journey.


Pick one!  Focus on that one thing until it becomes so automatic that you no longer need to think about it – you just do it.

An example might be…

  • eat one more serving a vegetables per day
  • walk xx steps per day (start where you are and increase gradually)
  • get an extra 30 minutes of sleep per night

Commit to Healthy Living - Have a Plan

If you want to commit to a healthy living journey, you’re going to need a plan.  Oh no, not the dreaded plan.  Yep!


How much you want to plan is up to you, pick one of these to get started.

Eating Healthy

  • Plan your meals – for help getting started check out my blog on meal planning
  • Stock up on healthy foods – Convenience almost always wins.  Have healthy foods at your fingertips
  • Prep in advance – the more you can prepare in advance the better. Could be meals cooked in batch or fresh fruits and veggies all cleaned and ready to eat
  • Hide the junk – make it easier on yourself and keep any junk food out of sight

Physical Activity

Oops, Life happened

  • What are some common things that could derail your plans?  Know how you will handle them.
  • Excuses will creep in – recognize excuses for what they are
  • Make an appointment – for and with yourself  – then do not blow off your appointment. Reschedule if needed, but this is an appointment you don’t cancel.

Commit to Healthy Living - Ask for help

When it comes to making a commitment to a healthy living journey, you’re going to need to ask for help.  Ask family and friends for their support.


Explain to them why this journey is important to you.  Ask them “Can I count on your support?”


If your family and friends aren’t supportive, find support with other like-minded women who are also on a healthy living journey.


A great place to start…

Join my free Facebook community.  We’d love to have you join us.

Double the motivation with a friend

What’s even better than getting support from your friends?


Having them on the healthy living journey with you.


When you have a friend that is also committed to healthy living, you can keep each other accountable.  You can create mini challenges amongst yourselves.  You can laugh, share your struggles,  and celebrate your successes together.

Commit to Healthy Living - Make it Fun!

Whatever it is you decide to focus on first, make sure you find a way to enjoy it.  If you don’t, your journey will be over before it even gets started.

Grabbing that friend we talked about above is a great way to have fun.  If you love music, put on your favorite music while you’re getting in some physical activity.

If you like challenges, create a mini challenge for yourself.  For example, how many days in a row can you walk 10k steps.  If you’re like me, once you start tracking you won’t want to break the roll you’re on.


Commit to Healthy Living - Never give up

When you are making the healthy choices you know you should make, the outcome you want will follow.  Believe in the process and enjoy the journey.


Healthy living doesn’t mean PERFECTION.  Make sure you always give yourself some grace.


Following are a few tips that help keep me committed to my journey.  Give them a try and see what works for you.

  • Enjoy cheat meals – I plan a cheat meal every Saturday.  It’s something I look forward to and makes it easier for me to stick with healthy eating the rest of the week.
  • Celebrate wins every day – every day you’ll have something to celebrate.   Some days it may be a small win others it will be something big.  Either way take time to congratulate yourself.
  • Set mini goals – what can you do today that gets you farther along on your journey

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Before I jump in to the 10 things you can do today to prevent chronic disease, I want to start by talking about HEALTHY LIVING.

Like, what is it?  How do you define healthy living?  AND, Why is it important to talk about?


You may define HEALTHY LIVING slightly different from me and that’s ok. 


In this post, I’ll share some things for you to consider as you create your own definition.

Then, I’ll dive into changes you may wish to make to create a healthier lifestyle and hopefully prevent chronic disease in the future.

New here?   Thanks for stopping by or welcome back.  After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.

What is it about the word “healthy” that has women running the other direction or changing the subject?


Well, in all seriousness, I actually do get it.  Our health and the choices we make are very personal.  And, if we feel we might not be living as healthy a life as we think we “should”, it makes us uncomfortable.


I will share tips on how you can live a healthier lifestyle.  The choice is always yours.  I’m not here to judge the choices you make.

What is healthy living?

Google the word “health” and you may be surprised to find that there isn’t one clear definition. 

World Health Organization defines “health” as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.



So then, what is healthy living?  The definition I found on The Spiritual Life website resonated with me so I’m sharing it here.  “Healthy Living is the steps, actions and strategies one puts in place to achieve optimum health.”

Then, in short, we could say Healthy living is taking steps and actions for overall wellbeing free of disease.

Per the CDC, 6 out of 10 Americans live with at least one chronic disease (4 out of 10 live with two or more), such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.  Most chronic diseases (defined as diseases lasting more than a year that require ongoing medical care and/or limit daily activities) can be prevented through healthy nutrition, exercise, avoiding excessive drinking or not smoking.


And, who wouldn’t want to prevent chronic disease, right?  But, how do we do it?

What actions can you take to prevent chronic disease?

The actions or steps I’m about to share probabably aren’t going to be a big surprise.  They also aren’t a “cure” for disease and can’t guarantee you will remain free of any chronic diseases. 


However, each of these helps reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Unfortunately, there are many things in life that we don’t have control over.  We do have control over whether we take actions to reduce our risk or not.  I hope you will choose to take at least some of the following actions.

Increase Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can reduce your risks, help manage, delay or prevent chronic disease.


Physical activity can be anything from brisk walking, biking, swimming, strength training, dancing, or gardening. 


Ideally, the aim should be a minimum of 150 minutes of activity per week. I like to aim for a minimum of 30 minutes per day at least 5 days a week.  That’s my personal choice.  What works for you may be different.

The type of activity you choose is less important than picking something you enjoy.  If you’re just getting started or trying to find a way to add more physical activity, walking is a great place to start.

Start with as little as 5 minutes a day and gradually increase the time until you’re up to 30 minutes. For more info on walking, make sure you read my blog “Secrets to losing weight with a walking routine”.
walking to prevent chronic disease

Eat Healthy

eat healthy to prevent chronic disease

You don’t need to completely overhaul your diet/nutrition over night.  As a matter of fact, you’ll be more likely to stick to it if you make small changes slowly.  Even a 5% weight loss (if weight loss is your goal) can help delay or prevent chronic diseases, like diabetes.

Ultimately, a diet filled with lean protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats is recommended.

Grab a copy of my Step-by-step guide to meal planning with macros to get some ideas.  It’s a free resource so I hope you take advantage of it.

Get at Least 7 Hours Sleep

Sleep.  We often take it for granted.  Think you function just fine on 5 hours?  What about the impact lack of sleep can have on your ability to prevent future chronic disesase?

Not getting enough sleep hinders our ability to make good food choices.  Ever notice uncontrollable urges for carbs? 

Could be related to lack of sleep.  I know for a fact on nights I don’t get quality sleep, I better hide the carbs!!

Inadequate sleep has been linked to obesity, heart disease, depression and difficulty managing diabetes.

If you aren’t getting at least 7 hours of sleep, start by trying to get an extra 5 – 10 minutes.

Getting more sleep COULD literally save your life.

Manage your stress to prevent chronic disease

Stress is thought to be a risk factor for heart disease.  More research is needed to determine exactly how stress impacts heart disease. 

Does stress directly contribute to heart disease OR does stress make us more likely to follow other behaviors such as poor eating habits, physical inactivity and smoking, which contribute to heart disease?

Either way, managing your stress is a good idea.

meditate for stress management

Although you might not want to meditate in the middle of a work meeting, meditation is an excellent way to reduce stress.

Some other ideas you may want to consider:

  • Journaling
  • Taking some deep breaths
  • Quiet walks
  • Reading a book

Maintain a positive mindset

Not that thinking positive thoughts by themselves can prevent chronic disease, but negative thoughts sure aren’t doing you any favors. 

At this time, there isn’t a clear understanding as to why a positive mindset is correlated to health benefits.  Researchers continue to explore.

It is believed that positive thoughts may result in several health benefits, including:

  • increased life span
  • better cardiovascular heatlh
  • lower rates of depression

Here are some things that can help create a more positive mindset.

  • Identify those moments when you’re having negative self talk
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Be open to humor and laughter
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle (yep, it’s one of those – which comes first – the healthy lifestyle or the positive mindset?)

Socializing with friends and family

Make it a priority to spend time with friends and family.  Whether it’s laughing or sharing what’s on your mind, research shows that this is a critical component to healthy living.

Women with a strong sense of community tend to live longer and feel happier.  There is also thought and some evidence that social isolation can be even more detrimental to your health than obesity, or smoking.

10 things you can do TODAY to prevent chronic disease TOMORROW

  1. Add one more serving of fruits and/or vegetables per day
  2. Go for a 10 minute brisk walk
  3. Start tracking your steps per day.  Work up to 10k per day.
  4. Get 10 more minutes of sleep tonight
  5. Check your blood pressure.  Consult your doctor, as neeed.
  6. Meditate for 5 minutes
  7. Turn one negative thought into a positive one (ex. I’m never going to be good at this.——-> I know I can do this.  I’ll keep practicing until I get better.)
  8. Laugh – at a mistake you made, a funny story, for no reason at all
  9. Call a friend to catch up
  10. Grab a copy of my FREE Step-by-Step Guide to Meal Planning with Macros.

These 10 actions may not prevent chronic disease by themselves. They are a step in the right direction and could lower your risk of disease.

Be sure to consult your physician before starting an exercise program or making significant changes to your diet.

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Top Secrets to staying healthy through the holidays

  Here are some tips for staying healthy while enjoying the holiday season.

If you’re new to my blog, Welcome!  I’m so glad you are here.  My goal is to provide you with tips that help you stay strong and active as you age.

Here are some of my other blogs to check out after you read this one.

Secret #1 to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays - Grab your calendar.

Grab a calendar and let’s get organized.  If you’re like me, being unorganized can cause so much stress.  And let’s face it.  It’s hard to remain enthusiastic when you’re stressed.

Grab your calendar.  I am a huge fan of the old fashion paper calendar; however, if you prefer an electronic one like Google Calendar that works too.

Now, let’s log all of your “must-do’s.  That includes parties, happy hours, as well as the normal appointments that can’t be missed.  And while you’re at it, don’t forget to schedule in your “me-time”.  That includes your workouts, meditation, journaling, etc.  

I know you’re busy.  Your “me-time” doesn’t have to be hours.  Taking even 5 minutes for a few deep breaths can do wonders. 

Secret #2 to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays- Stick with your workouts

You may be tempted to skip your workouts.  I’ve been there.  I’ve done it too!  However, this time of year is when we need to be most vigilant in scheduling our workouts and getting them done. 

We need our workouts to help combat the extra calories we are likely to consume.  If you didn’t already do it, go back to your calendar and schedule in your workouts.

Keep this in mind:

Secret #3 to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays - Stay hydrated

Your body is 60%+ water and in order for it to function at it’s best, you’ll need to drink plenty of water.

Find a way to track how much water you’re drinking.  Check out this water bottle.  This is such a cool and easy way to track how many times you fill your water bottle.

Water will also keep you feeling full.

If you’re drinking adult beverages, consider alternating with a glass of water or two.

Secret #4 to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays - Eat Mindfully

So, why is it that we always hang out in the kitchen at parties, nibbling at the snacks while we’re chatting with friends?  

Decide before you go to the party what you plan to eat.  Will you stick to the healthier snacks and save the really special treats for another party or do you plan to have a dessert or maybe an adult beverage?

Once you’ve selected that decadent dessert, stop and enjoy every bite.

My personal favorite tips for being mindful of what I eat.

Always have a glass of water in your hand! Who can juggle a plate of food with a glass in your hand?

Eat before you go to the party.  Even if you plan to eat something at the party, it is best if you’re not hungry when you arrive.

Delay treats for later.  Later at that event or save it for another party.  I have found that once I start eating a lot of treats, it’s harder to stop.  The holiday season is basically 4 weeks long.  One or two weeks of treats will save you a lot of calories compared to 4 weeks of treats.

Secret #5 to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays- Keep your immune system strong

Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, strawberries, oranges, red, yellow, orange and green peppers, broccoli, spinach etc.

A handful of nuts will give you some healthy fats and protein. They are great for keeping you full too!

Sleep is critical.  You’re probably running all day long.  As much as we love the holidays, they can be stressful too.  Don’t skimp on your sleep.   I  know it’s easy to get in the mindset that you have too much to do to go to bed early.  I get it.  I’ve been there too. 

If you’re like me, you’ll get more done by going to bed and getting your sleep than trying to slog through everything BEFORE you go to bed.

Secret #6 to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays- Find some "me-time"

I know this one is hard for most of us.  I’ll relax after the holidays.  I’ll take time to get a massage after I get all my holiday shopping done.  Sit and read a book – are you crazy?  Who has time?  Sound familiar?

We’ve all heard the “put on your oxygen mask first”, right?  This is something we should always keep in mind.  To be our best for others, we really do need to take care of ourselves first.  It isn’t being selfish.  It is ensuring that we can be at our best for others.

So, find some time for yourself. Take a relaxing bath, light some candles, read a book.

Even if it is just 10 minutes, you’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel.

Secret #7 to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays - Try some healthy substitutions

There are so many food substitutions you can make that will save hundreds of calories, and/or provide more quality nutrition and in most cases you won’t even notice.

Then, when you have that decadent dessert, the impact on the scale won’t be quite so noticeable.

Here are a few of my favorites. Oh, and these aren't just for the holidays!

Swap sour cream for greek yogurt and get some additional protein. Most of us don’t eat enough protein.  This is a great way for a little extra.

Maple syrup or honey instead of white sugar.  You still get all the sweetness without the processing.

Swap out the cheese based dips for hummus.  Have you checked out the dark chocolate dessert hummus  yet?  OMG! It is so good.

Protein smoothies are a fast and healthy breakfast or lunch.  Throw in some veggies like spinach or kale to get an extra serving of veggies.  TIP: Add 1/2 banana in your smoothie and it overpowers the taste of spinach/kale.  You just have to get used to your smoothie being “green”.  You can also try carrots, cauliflower, and cucumber.

Substitute riced cauliflower for white rice.  Now, you’re getting a vegetable instead of a carb.  I love fried cauliflower rice.  It is so good.  I don’t miss the rice at all!

Secret #8 to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays- Make a deal (or two) with yourself

  1. Remember, this isn’t the only time you can ever have pecan pie.  If you skip it today, you can always have it another day.  Remind yourself it isn’t “NOW OR NEVER”.
  2. Enjoy the holiday and don’t stress if you do over-splurge.  Just get back on track tomorrow.  Tomorrow you start with a clean slate.
  3. Eating healthy and working out every day during the holiday probably won’t happen (for most of us anyway).  Do your best.  Anything you can do is better than not doing anything.

Want to know how you can boost your immunity naturally with superfoods?

Is there really such a thing as a superfood?

What are superfoods? Why should I eat them?

If you could prevent the common cold by eating specific foods, would you be interested? 

Read on to learn how you can boost immunity naturally with top superfoods.

Sound a little hokey?  If you’re like me, the idea of a superfood may leave you a bit skeptical.  I get it.  I was a bit skeptical too.

You may call it luck.  All I know is that I incorporated these “superfoods into my diet several years ago and I can’t remember the last time I had a cold.  It’s been years. “knock on wood”.

Is there really such a thing as a superfood?

The term “superfood” has been around for over 100 years.   There is no scientific or medically proven definition for “superfood”.

However, there are foods that are extremely high in nutrition and offer a multitude of health benefits.  For lack of a better term to distinguish these foods for the run of the mill processed foods, I’ll use the term “superfoods.”

What makes some foods "super" at boosting immunity?

No-one wants to be slowed down by a cold, right?  I sure don’t. 

There are specific vitamins and minerals that are needed to keep our immune systems strong and healthy.  These foods are at the top of my superfood list and are high in Vitamins C, E, A, D, Folate, Iron, Selenium and Zinc

I want to be very clear.

For overall health, I recommend incorporating these superfoods into your diet.  However, this is not an all-inclusive list of every healthy food.  There are far too many to list. 

The best way to get all the nutrients your body needs is through eating a variety of healthy foods. 

One serving of any superfood will not make your cold go away nor will it prevent you from getting a cold.

My goal and hopefully yours too, is to keep from getting a cold in the first place.  To do this, you need to incorporate a variety of immunity boosting superfoods into your daily diet.

What are the top immunity boosting superfoods?

Boost Immunity Naturally with Top Superfoods - Citrus

Mom probably didn't know it as a superfood...

 How many times growing up did your Mom tell you to drink your orange juice?  Yep, once again Mom was right. 

Citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, which is thought to increase white blood cells and key to fighting infections.  Most popular citrus fruits are grapefruit, oranges, tangerines. lemons and limes.

Boost Immunity Naturally with Top Superfoods - Red Bell Peppers

When you think of Vitamin C, do you immediately think of oranges?  Well, I did.  So, I was surprised when I learned that red bell peppers have twice as much vitamin C as an orange.

That was enough to get me to  start eating red bell peppers. I say start because I never liked any vegetables growing up and basically refused to even try them.  After learning about their Vitamin C and having come off a year of having a cold more than I didn’t, what did I have to lose?    Now, I eat them nearly every single day!  And, I have not had a cold since.  Coincidental?  Maybe, but I’m not going to stop eating them to find out.

Boost Immunity Naturally with Top Superfoods - Brocolli

Broccoli has so much to offer – vitamins A, C and E as well as antioxidants and fiber. The secret to broccoli is to protect the nutrients by not overcooking it and even better – eat it raw!

This is another vegetable that I refused to even try until well into my adult life.  I am not a huge fan of it cooked, but love it raw in my salad.  

Boost Immunity Naturally with Top Superfoods - Spinach

or Kale, for that matter.  I personally prefer spinach.  Can’t really beat any leafy green vegetable though.

Not only is spinach loaded with vitamins A and C, and Folic acid that aid in keeping your immune system healthy, there is research to indicate that spinach may also help with other health concerns. 

Several studies have shown that the zeaxanthin and lutein found in spinach may prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, which are major causes of blindness.

Other studies have shown that spinach may be responsible, at least in part, to slowing down cancer growth.

Boost Immunity Naturally with Top Superfoods - Kiwi

Kiwi is sweet and tangy and packed with Vitamin C.

Approximately 2 medium kiwis are packed with 273% of your daily recommended Vitamin C.  As previously mentioned, Vitamin C is essential for boosting your immune system and reducing the likelihood of a cold.  

If you’ve ever had kiwi, you know it can take a couple of minutes to peel and  be a bit messy.  An easier way to eat kiwi is just cut in half and scoop it out with a spoon.

Are you a female leader wanting more energy?

Are you open to learning about how living a healthy lifestyle can help?

Are you sick and tired of the brain fog that comes around 2p? Do you feel like crap after eating too much sugar, fried foods and vending machine snacks? Have you had enough of the on again off again diets?

If you’re ready to say goodbye to feeling sluggish and lethargic, I’m sharing some tips to help you get started.

Learn from my mistakes.

I started on my healthy lifestyle journey over 30 years ago. I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way and learned a ton.

Before I jump into some tips to help you get started, let’s talk about what it means to live a healthy lifestyle.  When we think of healthy lifestyle, we often jump to exercise and eating healthy. These are definitely two critical pieces to the puzzle and probably the one’s I get asked about most often.

Healthy Lifestyle is more than food and exercise

Other aspects of a healthy lifestyle include limiting stress, getting enough sleep, taking care of your mental health, creating “me time”, and socializing with friends.

Here are my top tips for getting started on a healthy lifestyle journey, regardless of which piece of the puzzle you want to focus on.

Tip #1 - Female Leaders Wanting More Energy - Mentally prepare to stay committed to your goal of wanting more energy.

The first week is usually easy.

We are so pumped up from the excitement of what’s to come. Soon, the newness wears off and it starts to feel like work.

You start to have days you don’t feel like doing it.

Maybe you even may start to question why you started in the first place.

Those pesky excuses start creeping in.

Sound familiar?  Well, you’re not alone.  This is normal.  It happens to all of us.

So, let’s get you prepared and ready to combat those excuses.   What excuses can you expect?  How will you  mentally prepare to stay committed?

If you want something you’ve never had, you will need to do things you’ve never done.  Or you may need to stop doing things you’ve always done. 

You know changes are about to occur and change is rarely easy.  Are you ready?

It's almost inevitable that you will have days you want to quit.

To set yourself up for success,  you’ll want to be prepared and ready to fight the urge to quit.

How will you stay focused on why you started in the first place?

Tip #2 - Female Leaders Wanting More Energy -Take it slow. Focus on one healthy change at a time. You'll see more energy even with small changes.

You’ve made the commitment and you’re ready to get started.

You’re super excited and you’ve decided you’re going to exercise 5 times a week, meditate every morning, start journaling and following healthy nutrition. 

Whoa! If that doesn't have you a bit overwhelmed, well it probably should.

Unless you are already doing 3 of the 4 of those, it is too much change at once.  I commend you for wanting to go all in.  

I recommend just changing one thing at a time.  Give yourself time to make that change a habit. Then, move to the second thing you want to change.   Trust me.  I’ve been there.   Every time I try to make multiple changes at once, I end up starting over. 

When you make one change at a time, it isn’t as overwhelming.  It’s also much easier to stay consistent. The goal is consistent progress.

Your chances of success are higher if you take it one step at a time.

Tip #3 - Female Leaders Wanting More Energy-Find an accountability partner. I bet they want more energy too!

Tell a friend, family member, or co-worker about your goal.

You are far more likely to reach a goal when you share it with others. They can help keep you accountable.

Don’t just tell them about it.

Ask them for their support.

Let them know how important it is for you to reach your goal and you’d like their help keeping you accountable.

Telling a friend you are wanting to lose 10 pounds only to have them keep inviting you to meet them at the bar and then insisting that you share the fries covered in cheese and bacon bits isn’t going to be super helpful.

You need to surround yourself with people that encourage you to stay committed to your goal. They aren’t the food police, they are your support network.

Even better yet, ask a friend to join you on the journey. 

Tip #4 - Female Leaders Wanting More Energy - It's a journey not a destination

Enjoy the zigs and zags.

Give yourself some grace. It is highly unlikely that your journey will follow a perfectly straight line. You will likely take some zigs and zags. 

Always show yourself some compassion.  Learn from the zigs and zags and get back on track as quickly as you can. 

This is life and you should be enjoying it. Let’s be honest, you’re going to have events you want to eat foods that you wouldn’t consider “healthy”. You’re going to have days you don’t exercise.

An event here and there. A missed exercise day. These are not going to hurt you. The goal is to not let these single events  turn into weeks or months.

Stay consistent and you’ll continue to make progress. Have faith and enjoy the journey. 

You are going for progress, not perfection.

Tip #5 - Female Leaders Wanting More Energy - It's never going to be a good time to make healthy lifestyle changes. Remember, your goal is to have more energy.

When you’re thinking about making some changes to be healthier, have more energy, lose weight, etc, I can almost promise….

At some point, you're going to have throughts that maybe this isn't the best time to start.

Maybe I should wait until Monday, maybe I should wait until after the big event at work, after the work trip, after the holidays, or after things calm down at work, school, home etc., after my business takes off.   The list of reasons that may run through your head is endless.

You aren’t alone. We all go through this.

The fact is there is NEVER a great time to get started.

You just have to start.  A life with more energy is just around the corner.  It most likely won’t be perfect.  That’s ok. Again, we aren’t going for perfection, just progress. AND you only make progress by getting started.