How to easily start reducing your calories today

More often than not when we’re trying to lose weight and the scale isn’t moving it’s, at least in part, due to eating more calories than you think.  So, if you’d like to know how to easily start reducing calories today without feeling deprived, let’s jump in.

If you’re new to my blog, Welcome!  I’m so glad you are here.  My goal is to help you lose weight, build muscle, and create the body of your dreams.

Here are some of my other blogs to check out after you read this one.

So, if you’re ready, here are some of my favorite tips for eating fewer calories and not feeling like you’re on a DIET because I don’t do DIETS!

Focus on the conversation

So many of our social engagements are centered around food, right?  We enjoy the food for sure, but that probably isn’t the reason you are having dinner with your best friends.


You’re getting together with your friends because you enjoy their company.  Whether you have the high calorie loaded nachos as an appetizer or you wait for your entree, the conversation with friends will be equally enjoyable – maybe even more so since you can completely focus on the conversation.  And, you just reduced your calories significantly.

Share your meal with a friend

How many times have you said “That was a lot of food.  We should have split a meal.”


Most restaurant meals are at least 1 1/2 portions.  


So, for those times you really want the less than healthy meal, share it and you just cut the calories in half.  

Stop eating before you feel full

It takes approximately 20 minutes before our brain tells us we’re full.  So, if you keep eating  until you feel full, you’ll soon feel stuffed.  No matter how good the food tasted, we’re left with this uncomfortable feeling of being too full.


We’ve all done it.  The secret is to eat slower so our brain can give us the signal before it’s too late.


You’ll feel full.  You won’t want to eat any more.  And, you just reduced your calories without much effort.

Minimize distractions

Have you ever eaten an after-dinner snack while watching TV?  Silly question.  Of course, we’ve all done it. 

Have you noticed that when you’re focusing on the TV, you stopped paying attention to how much you’ve eaten? 


When you eat in front of the TV (if you’re like me, you know you’re going to do it!), portion out your snack into a reasonable portion and put it in a dish instead of eating out of the box. 


You can start reducing your calories today with this one simple change.

Drink water

When in doubt… drink water.  


Drinking water is a huge contributor to reducing calories.


You can drink water before a meal so you feel fuller.  You can drink water instead of higher calorie beverages like soda or alcohol too.


Think you’re hungry?  Drink a glass or two of water before you eat anything.  You may find you’re really just thirsty, not hungry at all.

Out of sight Out of mind

The most effective strategy is to NOT buy the higher calorie treat.  But, that may not be very realistic for everyone.  So, next best thing…


Keep it out of sight.  For me, I like to put my “treats” on the top shelf of my pantry and push them back so I don’t easily see them when I open the pantry.


It is amazing how I forget about them.  It’s far too tempting to have it starring back at me every time I open the pantry door.


If you’re serious about reducing your calories, make it easier on yourself –either don’t buy it or keep it out of sight.

Eat before you go out

Sound crazy to eat before you go out?


Well, I don’t mean a whole meal.  Eating something small can keep you from feeling hungry when you walk into the restaurant or party.

Eat more often

What, eat more often?


Yes!  Instead of eating 2-3 large meals, try eating 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day.


When we get too hungry, we often tend to eat more.  By eating smaller meals more often, you can reduce your overall calories because you won’t be as likely to overeat.

Listen to your stomach instead of the clock

Have you ever eating lunch or dinner just because it was “time to eat”?

I know it isn’t always this easy, there are family members to consider and sometimes we have to eat around meetings and appointments.  I get it.  I eat around the clock far more often than I’d like.

When possible, it is BETTER, if you can let your stomach guide meal time instead of the clock.

Losing weight can be hard…


It can be easier when you do it with friends.  If you’d like the support and commaraderie of a group of like-minded women, we’d love to have you join us.  Inside the group, you’ll get more tips on fitness and nutrition, recipes, encouragement and friendships.  It’s a place where WE GET YOU. 

Click the link to join.

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