Effective tips to lose body fat quickly

You want to lose body fat quickly… like yesterday, right? And, as you’re getting older… it seems like body fat is holding on for dear life.

So, how the heck do you get rid of stubborn body fat?

In this post, I’m sharing several effective tips to lose body fat quickly.  Yes, we want to lose it quickly, but…

we also want to lose it for good, right?  That means slow is often better than too fast. With the tips below, I’ll show you how to find the right mix so you can lose body fat as quickly as possible AND for good.

One more thing before I dive into my tips for losing body fat quickly, what if you could get daily tips on how to lose weight, stay motivated, recipes, fitness, self-care and more? Well, you can. All you need to do is join my FREE Facebook Community.  I post tips daily for the woman approaching or over 50 who wants to love her body again.

Tip #1- Lose Body Fat Quickly -Start Strength Training

I am a firm believer that strength training is what has allowed me to maintain my weight through menopause.  As we get older, our metabolism naturally slows.  One major reason for our slowing metabolism is that we are losing muscle  This actually started in our 30’s but it’s a gradual decline so we don’t usually notice it much until we get into our 40’s. For more tips on reversing the creeping weight gain as we get older, check out this blog. Muscle burns calories.  With less muscle comes less calorie burn.  Less calorie burn and we end up gaining weight, specifically in the form of body fat. You can start building muscle at any age.  You can even undo the natural muscle loss. Side note: Muscle from strength training burns calories all day long.  Other exercises are responsible for calorie burn primarily while you are actually doing the activity,

Will I get bulky if I lift weights?

It’s highly unlikely you will get bulky from lifting weights.  As women, we don’t have enough testosterone to get bulky.  Plus you’d need to spend hours in the gym lifting extremely heavy weights to put on massive muscle.

Can I do strength training at home?

Absolutely!  Strength training can be done at home or at a gym.

I'm a beginner. How do I get started with strength training?

A great way to get started on a strength training program, especially if you’re a beginner, is to grab my FREE 3-day at-home workout plan.

Tip #2 - Lose Body Fast Quickly - Eat Plenty of Protein

By replacing some of your carbohydrates and fats with protein, you will actually feel less hungry and therefore, more likely to eat less.  Eating the right number of calories in total is still key. Click this link for a quick estimate of appropriate number of calories depending on your goal. Protein also helps maintain muscle mass. AND, more muscle means more calories being burned. Protein is also less likely to be stored as excess fat when compared to carbohydrates and fat.

How much protein do I need to lose body fat?

According to NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), the average woman wanting to lose weight or more specifically, body fat, should eat approximate .7 – 1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.6 – 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight). In other words, a 150 pound woman who is wanting to lose body fat should aim to consume 105 – 150 grams of protein per day.

Does it matter when I eat the protein?

Some research suggests that the timing of protein consumption may be important for extreme athletes.  For the rest of us woman wanting to lose body fat, it is not necessary to worry about nutrient timing.

However, eating enough protein at each meal should be taken into consideration.  A good estimate is approximately 20 grams per meal.

What are the best sources of protein?

Here are some of the best sources of protein:

  • Eggs
  • Chicken Breast
  • Fish
  • Lean Beef
  • Turkey Breast
  • Greek Yogurt

Tip #3 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Get Quality Sleep

Studies have shown that women who do not get enough quality sleep are more likely to gain weight. Without sleep you:
  • have less willpower
  • are “too tired” to exercise
  • may feel more hungry.

How does sleep help me lose body fat?

By getting adequate sleep, you are more likely to control your appetite and feel less hungry. When you’re tired, your body is looking for a source of energy… hence, feeling the urge to EAT. And, while you may have the willpower to resist the chocolate cake when you’re well rested, when you’re sleep deprived you may discover that urge to EAT overpowers your best intentions. I have experienced this first hand.  It was an ah-ha moment when I realized what was happening and WHY I had zero willpower!!

Will I burn fat while I sleep?

While you aren’t necessarily “burning” fat while you sleep, during deep sleep your body is repairing and strengthening muscle tissue.  Again, we need this lean muscle mass to burn more calories all day – not just while we sleep.

Do I need a specific sleep routine?

Putting fat loss aside for the moment, there are numereous health benefits to having a consistent sleep routine.  

With a sleep routine, you get more quality sleep which does aid in weight loss.  In addition, you may also be lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and elevated blood sugar. 

Tip #4 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Make friends with Fiber

Without getting into a lot of detail, there are 2 types of dietary fiber – soluable and insoluable.

Soluable fiber dissolves and is thought to improve digestion.  It may also  reduce cholesterol and helps you body lower blood glucose (ie.blood sugar), which is a risk of diabetes.

Insoluable fiber attracts water to your stool making it easier to pass and promotes bowel health and regularity.

How does fiber help me lose body fat?

Soluable fiber digests slower keeping you full longer.  Feeling full keeps hunger under control so that we are not eating excess calories that end up being stored as fat.

How much fiber do I need?

Most people in the US get less than half the recommended fiber per day.  Women should aim for 25 grams of fiber per day.

What are best foods for fiber?

Some of the best foods for fiber are:

  • Fruit (raspberries are one of the best with 8 grams for 1 cup; compared to a medium apple at 4.4 grams (which is still great)
  • Whole grain pasta/bread (check the labels as they vary considerably)
  • Legumes – 7 grams per cup
  • Almonds – 3.5 grams for 1 ounce (approx 23 almonds)

Tip #5 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Limit Processed Foods

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, the average American consumes more than half their calories from processed foods.

What are processed foods?

You can think of processed foods as any food that has been altered from its natural state.  The amount of processing can vary significantly: Minimally processed – washing, canning, freezing.

Example: bagged spinach, cut up veggies

Highly/ultra processed – adding unhealthy ingredients (sodium, sugar) and/or breaking it down to lose healthy nutrients.

Example: microwavable dinners, frozen pizza

Side note: One study found that the current American diet consists of approximately 60% of daily calories from ultra processed foods.

Why should I avoid processed foods?

Highly processed foods have lost much of their original nutrition.  They are also often loaded in sodium, sugar and trans fats. Side note: Always check the nutrition label.

Can I lose weight eating processed foods?

Eating processed foods occasionally is fine.  Everything in Moderation!

It is important to read the nutrition label and look for added sugar, sodium, trans fats. 

Too much of any of these can negatively impact your ability to reach your fitness goals related to:

  • weight loss
  • body fat loss
  • muscle gains

as well as health goals related to blood pressure, cholesterol and reducing risk of other diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Tip #6 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Increase Cardio

Can I lose body fat without doing cardio?

Sure.  However, adding in cardio is a great way to boost your overall calories burned.

What are the best types of cardio for burning fat?

The best type of cardio is the one you enjoy.  Cardio only works if you will actually do it. Although, running is one of the highest calorie burning cardio workouts, it won’t matter if you hate running. Some high calorie burn cardio workouts are:
  • Running
  • Biking
  • Circuit Training
  • Jumping Rope
  • Stationary Bike
  • Rowing Machine
The number of calories burned depends on several factors such as your weight, intensity/speed and duration.

For example:  A 150 pound women who runs 6 miles in one hour burns approx 700 calories.

Side note: calories burned is purely an estimte.

What's better - HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or Cardio?

HIIT or High Interval Intensity Training is an excellent way to burn extra calories is a shorter period of time. You alternate between a high intensity move for 30 sec to 1 min followed by a recovery period.  There are endless variations of HIIT.

One example: a 30 second sprint followed by a 1 minute recovery

Tip #7 - Lose Body Fat Quickly - Calorie Deficit

You can create a calorie deficit by reducing the calories you consume, burning extra calories or a combination of both.

My preference: combination of both.

Do I need to cut calories to lose body fat?

It depends.  If you can create a calorie deficit by burning more calories (ie. more exercise), then you may not need to cut your consumption of calories.

If you’re already eating a low number of calories (ie. around 1200 for women); then you do NOT want to cut calories any more.  You’ll want to increase your calorie deficit by burning more through physical activity.

What happens if I don't eat enough calories?

Not eating enough calories can often be just as bad as eating too many.  If you eat less than 1200 calories you are at risk of not getting all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.  You could also trigger your body to “think” it’s starving which slows down metabolism.

If your body “thinks” it is starving, it will hold on to body fat.  Just the opposite of what you are trying to do.

How many calories should I eat to lose body fat?

First, you’ll want to determine how many calories you need to maintain your weight. Then, knowing that 3500 calories equals one pound, you could reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day to lose one pound per week. That one pound will be a mixture of body fat and lean muscle.  There’s almost no way to lose 100% body fat.  Eating plenty of protein and following a strength training program will help tilt your weight loss more to body fat. If you’re already following a low calorie meal plan, you may need to keep your calories where they are and increase calorie burn through physical activity. You can also use this calorie calculator to get a calorie estimate.

Pulling it all together

To lose body fat quickly, combine the following key actions:

  1. Follow a strength training routine
  2. Eat plenty of protein
  3. Get enough quality sleep
  4. Add high-fiber foods to your diet
  5. Limit highly processed foods
  6. Increase cardio or HIIT
  7. Make sure you’re creating a calorie deficit

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