Start losing weight today without feeling deprived

lose weight without feeling deprived

You want to lose weight, right?  The first thought running through your mind is – diet, no more…, I can’t have …

Are you ready to start losing weight without feeling deprived of all the foods you love?

For even more tips on how to lose weight, grab Your Key to Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets.

Great!  Let’s jump in.  First, leave your diet mindset behind.  You don’t need it any more.

Focus on the foods you can and should eat

The diet mindset focuses on everything we “can’t” eat.  So what happens?  It’s all we can think about,right?

Fill your plate with healthy options like lots of vegetables, lean proteins (chicken, turkey, eggs, lean beef), whole grains, fruits and healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, avocado).

There are plenty of great tasting healthy foods to pick from.  If you’re eating a variety of these foods, you’ll feel full and satisfied; and therefore, fewer cravings for the other stuff.

Over time, you stop wanting the chips, cookies, heavy cream sauces, etc.  When you no longer want it, you are losing weight or maintaining the weight you lost without feeling deprived.  That is an amazing feeling!

Avoid eliminating entire food groups

Many “diets” require that you eliminate entire food groups.  Unless you have a health condition, this isn’t necessary and not ideal.

Unless your body can’t handle a certain type of food.   That could be an entire food group, but it is most often specific foods within a food group.

This is where some trial and error is invaluable.  If you feel bloated, weighed down, or you’re unable to lose weight when you eat it, stop eating it and see what happens,

First, you have to experiment to see what food is doing that to you.  There are lots of elimination diets that are great for this.

Remember, as we age our bodies change and so do the foods our body can digest.  One of my favorite foods was milk.  When I finally realized milk was the reason for my bloating, cramps, etc, it was pretty darn easy to stop drinking it.  What may be considered healthy for the general population, may be poison to your body.

Practice moderation

When you practice moderation, you can still have those less healthy foods, satisfy your craving and not consume hundreds of extra calories.

If you’re at a birthday party and you’d really like a piece of cake, eat a small piece or split a piece with a friend.

Plan for a cheat meal

This is my #1 secret for never feeling deprived.  I learned this years ago and it has worked like a charm.  I almost always save my cheat meal for Saturday.  Saturday is the day I have lunch out with my family. Knowing that I can eat “anything I want” for that Saturday meal, makes it so much easier to stick with my healthy meal plan during the week.  Caution – this is for one meal, not an entire day.  You can undo all your progress from the week in a single day of overeating.

Learn portion control

We live in an age of super-sized portions.  Using a food scale is a great way to gain perspective on proper portion sizes.

Once I started measuring my food, I was shocked at how many servings my ONE serving really was!  It has become such a habit that I weigh almost everything.  It really only takes seconds.

If it sounds painful to weigh all your food (I’ve heard this complaint more times than I can count), then at least do it for a week to get a good visual of what a serving looks like on your plate.  If your weight loss starts to plateau, that is a good time to double-check your portions again.

Portion size is often a huge contributor to weight gain or inability to lose weight.

Adjusting to smaller portions could be all you need to start losing weight and not feeling deprived.  You’re still eating the food you want.  It is just in a smaller quantity.

Enjoying meals at restaurants

I’m sure you’re wondering about restaurants.   I mentioned them in regards to your cheat meal.  Is that the only time you can eat out? 

No; however…

Personally, I do limit the meals I eat at restaurants.  Just know it is difficult to find foods at restaurants that are as healthy as you’d make at home.  With that said, we all eat out.

If I said you can’t eat out, that would be like saying you can’t have bread ever again.  Almost, like eliminating an entire food group, right?

Here are a couple of tips for eating out so you can continue to lose weight and not feel deprived.

  1. Check the menu and nutrition (if they offer it) before you go.  
  2. Decide what you will order before you get there
  3. Order first – AND no changing after you hear the yummy sounding, calorie packing meal your friend just ordered.
  4. Split a meal with a friend. Most portions are plenty for two people.

If you check the nutrition on the menu, you will be shocked or at least I was.  Some meals have more sodium than I eat in the whole day.  I’ve actually seen some that were more than I would eat in 3 days!!  After I’ve checked calories, I also check the sugar and saturated fat.

Losing weight is never easy.  Having a community of like-minded women all on a journey to get off the weight-loss roller coaster and enjoy all life has to offer, can make it easier.  If you’d like to join our Women Over 50 Weight Loss Community, click the link below to join us.  We can’t wait to meet you!

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