Think it is too late to start working out after 50?
Think again. Whether you’ve never worked out a day in your life or it has been well, longer than you want to admit since you worked out, this is the perfect time to get started.

Taking the first step is the hardest.
You probably have more questions than answers. All those unanswered questions can even keep you stuck from moving forward. Then next thing you know, months or even years have gone by.
Well, no more time needs to lapse before you get started. You can start working out after 50 (without overwhelm) when you follow these 5 easy steps I share below.
New here? Thanks for stopping by or welcome back. After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.
Step 1: Why do you want to start working out after 50?
You already know that getting started is the hardest part. The second hardest part is staying consistent.
This is why knowing exactly why you are getting started in the first place is important.
Your reason, also known as your WHY, needs to be important enough to you to keep you going when it gets hard and you want to quit.
Step 2: Set realistic expectations when you decide to start working out after 50
I know you want results fast.
Even under the best of circumstances, results are never as fast as you want.
Remember, you’re just getting started, you’ll want to keep it super simple. Think of this as setting your first mini fitness goal. A goal you know you can achieve.
Step 3: How much time can you commit to working out?
The amount of time you decide to commit to exercise also needs to be realistic. Although you may be excited about the prospect of creating an amazing body after 50 (and I hope you are), if you have not exercised in a very long time, I recommend you ease into it.
You can definitely start working out after 50!
Trying to do too much too soon could result in you deciding it is just too hard.
This you do NOT want.
It’s better to start with something you know you can do consistently. You can always increase later.
Step 4: Pick a program
Next, I recommend you find a program to follow. When you start working out after 50, I recommend you start with a beginner program. However, even beginner programs often require 4-5 days per week and/or an hour at a time. While the exercises may be for beginners, the time commitment is not.
Click here to check out my beginner program. It is only 3 days a week and about 15 minutes for each workout.
Step 5: Start slow
While you’re probably anxious to start seeing results tomorrow, take it slow. This is one of those times you must go slow to go fast.
Using my 3-day at-home workout plan, here’s 1 example of how you could ease into your new workout routine.
Let’s assume you’ll work out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (any 3 days is fine). This program recommends 4 exercises for each of these days.
- Week 1 – complete 1 set of each exercise
- Week 2 – complete 1 set of each exercise
- Week 3 – complete 2 sets of each exercise
- Week 4 – complete 2 sets of each exercise
- Week 5 – complete 3 sets of each exercise
- Week 6 – complete 3 sets of each exercise
At the end of 6 weeks, you can re-evaluate whether to continue following the program with 3 days per week and 3 sets per exercise or possibly add in a 4th day.
The options are endless.
One option is to take my free quiz to find the best workout for you. The quiz results range from a 3-day per week workout to a 5-day per week workout.
To find the one that works best for you, click here or the image below.
Over 50? What's the best workout to achieve YOUR dream body?
Remember, the most important thing to do is start. The smallest step is still a step.
It’s never too late to start. Start today. Download your free 3-day at-home workout now so you can start working out after 50.
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