Building muscle after 50 takes time and dedication. Getting started is the hardest part. Staying consistent is a close second.
You can simplify both getting started and staying consistent when you follow 5 simple steps.

The results that come with strength training can be absolutely amazing.
- Muscle definition
- Improved overall strength
- More energy
- Improved body composition
If you’d like a deeper dive into the benefits of strength training, be sure to check out this video.
However, none of these happen overnight. It takes time and effort. While you may start out energized and excited to start seeing some results. Without a doubt, that excitement will dwindle.
Excuses will make an appearance. Other priorities will take the lead and your strength training will fall off your radar. This happens to all of us at some point along our journey, unless we are prepared for it.
So, how do you avoid these pitfalls and get the results you want?
Step 1: Why You Want to Build Muscle After 50
The first step is to know why you want to build muscle in the first place. This may take some deep reflection. Your reason why needs to be strong enough that it will keep you going on those days you don’t feel like. Because that will happen.
For a deeper dive into how to apply all 5 steps, check out the below video.
Step 2: Set a Realistic Muscle Building Goal
While your goal should be a stretch, it needs to be realistic as well. You may want to have defined sexy arms by the end of the month, but that is not realistic and will set you up for major disappointment.
Remember, building muscle takes time and patience.
Having defined sexy arms as a goal is fine. Just be sure to set an appropriate timeline to get there. Perhaps consider mini-goals along the way toward your defined sexy arms.
Step 3: How Much Time Can You Devote to Strength Training
We all have different schedules and other priorities. I recommend starting off with a schedule you know you can commit to. If that is only 2 days a week for 10 minutes, then that is where you start.
Once you have consistently followed this training pattern, consider increasing it to 3 days per week or perhaps 20 minutes per day.
The most important factor is determining what you can do consistently. A less-than-ideal training plan done consistently is far better than an ideal training regimen done occasionally.
Step 4: Find a Strength Training Plan
Find a strength training plan that will guide you toward accomplishing your goals. If you’re unsure where to start, you can start with one of my free training plans or start following short workouts on my YouTube channel.
Step 5: Get Starting Building Muscle After 50
Finally, it’s time to get started. Don’t worry about finding the perfect time, or the perfect workout. They don’t exist.
What matters most is that you just get started.
Remember to take it slow and whether you decide to train one day a week or 4, be consistent.