Are you approaching or even over 50? Have you given up on the idea of ever feeling sexy again? Think that is for the women under 40?
Then, I’m here to tell you it is time to make some changes!
Keep reading for tips on building muscle to feel sexy.
If you’re ready to start building muscle and not sure where to start, grab your 7-day workout plan.
There is a 3 days-a- week and a 4 days-a- week option. Basic exercises you can do at home too!
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Feeling sexy is a state of mind
When was the last time you looked in the mirror and said “Damn I look sexy!”?
If it’s been a while, are you ready to get to work and change that? Are you ready to start building muscle to feel sexy?
Was that a YES! I heard?
Awesome. Let’s get started.
What does building muscle to feel sexy look like for you?
This isn’t about what your husband or partner thinks. This is about what makes YOU feel sexy.
How much muscle will leave you feeling sexy? That is a personal preference. There are definitely extremes you’ll see in bodybuilding competitions. If that’s your thing, go for it.
For me, I want to stop somewhere short of that. However, I haven’t reached my peak muscle building yet. I highly doubt I ever will, my genetics will never allow me to go to that extreme.
If you’re worried about developing too much muscle, you can stop worrying. It is nearly impossible for women to build excessive muscle. Our bodies are not built for that.
How much muscle would you like to build to feel sexy? Picture yourself with some added muscular definition. Maybe toned arms or sleek legs? How does that make you feel?
How does building muscle leave you feeling sexier?
Building muscle is so much more than feeling sexy. And, feeling sexy is more than just building muscle.
However, building muscle can lead to feeling sexy and confident.
Yes, feeling sexy and confident doesn’t lie solely with your external physical appearance.
Ever had a bad hair day? If so, then perhaps you can relate to this.
Just like a perfect hair day can leave you feeling confident and beautiful, feeling proud of your toned arms can boost your confidence and have you shopping for those sleeveless tops instead of hiding behind sleeves.
Think I'm crazy? Does building muscle to feel sexy work?
Are you ready to totally change your life?
Building muscle will leave you feeling sexy.
It will also increase your confidence, help you sleep better, burn more calories, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and many chronic illnesses. Think of these as the side – effects of building muscle. These may not be your reason for building muscle, but if you’re ok with these, it’s time to get started.
How do you get started if you're over 50 and have never lifted before?
What muscles should you build to feel sexy?
Whatever muscle makes YOU feel sexy.
This will be different for everyone and there is no right or wrong answer. This may be a hard question to answer if you haven’t worked on building any muscle yet.
One way to determine this is to look around at other women you run into at work, while shopping, in magazines, on TV, etc. Are there specific muscles you see in other women that catch your eye and you like?
If you’re not sure what muscles will leave you feeling sexy, I have some suggestions for you to consider. Keep in mind, ideally, you should be building muscle for all of these.
Building muscle to feel sexy starts with ARMS

You can also grab your 7-day full body workout plan to help you get started.