lose weight with walking

Thinking about starting a walking routine?  Wondering if this is your answer to losing a few extra stubborn pounds?

Keep reading to learn the secrets to losing weight with walking.

Can I lose weight by walking?

The short answer… Yes!

Losing weight is about putting your body in a calorie deficit.  To do that, you need to burn more calories that you consume.

How many calories do I burn walking?

There are several factors that impact how many calories you burn during a walk.

Based on information provided by healthline.com, a 130 pound women who walks 3 miles in an hour burns approximately 195 calories during that walk.  If that same woman walked 4 miles in the  hour, she would burn approximately 295 calories.

What are other benefits of walking?

Besides losing weight with walking, it can also help improve your cardiovascular heath, lower your blood pressure, improve your sleep and reduce stress. 

All excellent reasons to start walking. 

It’s the perfect way to start or end a day.  It’s also low impact.  Want more calorie burning?  Try speed walking.

How do I to start a walking routine?

If it’s been years or you’re starting a walking routine for the very first time, take it slow and gradually increase both speed and/or distance.

Always, check with your doctor before starting a new fitness routine.

Here’s a sample of how your new walking routine might look.

Week 1 - Create a Baseline

Start with 10 – 15 minutes at a comfortable pace.  You should be able to hold a full conversation as you walk.

Walk 3 days during the week.  Maybe…

Week 2 - Add 5 Minutes

Assuming you’re feeling strong after week 1, increase your walk by 5 minutes.  Same comfort pace  walking 3 days a week.

Week 3 - Add a Day

Feeling stronger?  In week 3, bump it up to 4 days a week.  Still walking at a comfortable pace for 20 minutes.

How about …  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Week 4 - Make it a Game

Time to up the anty – if you’re up to it.  This week you’ll pick one of your 4 days and pick up the pace.  Walk the same path as the other 3 days, but aim to finish the route 20 – 30 seconds faster.

With four weeks under your belt, you are well on your way to a strong habit of walking consistently.  To keep from getting bored, change it up frequently – go for a longer walk, walk a little faster, try some interval speed walks. 

For example, see that tree or bench ahead?  Walk (don’t run) as fast as you can.  Once you reach the tree or bench, go back to your comfortable walking pace.  Add these interval speed walks in as you’re ready for more.

Losing weight with walking - calories burned vs calories consumed

Remember, if you’re walking to lose weight, your calories burned need to exceed the calories you consume.

If you want to increase the calories you’re burning, try these (when you’re physically ready):

  1. Increase your speed, get your arms swinging, and you’re breathing harder.  You’re now walking at a brisk walk.  You should be able to talk in partial sentences but not a full out conversation.
  2. Increase the length of time you’re walking.
  3. Increase your distance
  4. Add in interval speed training
  5. Find a walk with some hills

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