A common goal for many women is to lose belly fat.
Excess belly fat can occur at any age; however, for women over 50 the chances increase significantly due to hormonal changes related to menopause.
Perhaps you too, have experienced that gradual weight gain that occurs before, during and after menopause. And, if so, you’re likely wondering “How the heck can I lose belly fat?”

First off, know you’re not alone. It happens to almost all women.
That gradual weight gain can occur before, during, and after menopause.
Or, perhaps it doesn’t feel quite so gradual. For instance, it may feel like it happened almost overnight. Like it did for me!
“Yesterday my favorite jeans fit just fine and this morning I have to suck it in just to get them zipped.”
Whether you’ve been thin, average weight or struggled with your weight for years, that menopausal weight gain can knock you off kilter, and take your confidence on a rapid nose-dive.
New here? Thanks for stopping by or welcome back. After you read this blog, be sure to check out some of my other articles for women over 50 who want to lose body fat, build muscle, create phenomenal bodies they love.
Why women gain belly fat
You aren’t doing anything different and still you feel your waistline growing.
With menopause, comes lower estrogen levels. These lower estrogen levels can wreak havoc on our bodies.
Not only are most of us likely to gain weight, even those women who do not see a rise on the bathroom scale often notice fat accumulating around their stomachs.
Our lower estrogen levels can cause both our weight gain and the storage of existing fat to move from our hips and thighs to our stomachs.
Yes, a double whammy!!
Studies show that nearly all (if not all) post-menopausal women experience some sort of “belly fat” to appear.
IT’S NORMAL. How many times have you heard that from doctors, friends, and other professionals?
OK, I get that it is NORMAL, but… that doesn’t mean we have to accept an ever-growing waistline.
So, what the heck?! Can we lose belly fat?
If you’re like me, you don’t care that it’s normal and that most women experience this mid-section weight gain. I am not MOST women. You are not MOST women.
This is one club I’d be happy to politely decline. I’m guessing you’re with me on that. And, if you are a member (like I was for a short time), are you ready to find a new club?
First, I’m here to tell you it is NOT all doom and gloom. My self-confidence took a plunge as I saw my belly growing. I struggled to figure out what was going on. All of a sudden I had this soft, roll of belly fat. I wasn’t doing anything different.
And, that was the problem.
As we get older, our bodies change (ie. menopause hits) and what worked in the past NO LONGER WORKS.
Our bodies aren’t quite as forgiving as they were in our 20’s and 30’s either.
In other words, it takes more work and sometimes a lot more work. However, if you’re willing to put in the work – exercise and healthy eating – consistently, you can lose belly fat. I’m proof. I did it. You can too!
Here are 5 ways women over 50 can lose belly fat…
1. To lose belly fat, create a calorie deficit.
You absolutely can’t lose belly fat without a consistent calorie deficit (ie. burning more calories than you consume). That does not mean starving yourself or going on a strict diet.
Perhaps you could get away with a few more snacks, fried foods, and alcohol in your 30’s.
Unfortunately, as we enter our 50’s and beyond, those foods, while not forbidden, do have a bigger impact on our waistlines. Perfection is not necessary. However, consistency is critical.
2. To lose belly fat and not muscle, include strength training.
Keep in mind, if you are solely focused on reducing calories, you WILL lose muscle and likely more muscle than fat. Our bodies are already naturally losing muscle. This process began back in our 30’s.
Strength training will help slow, stop and even reverse our natural muscle loss. So, while you want to lose body fat, the goal should be a slow steady loss of body fat so you can preserve your muscle.
TIP: If you’ve been doing strength training for a while, it just might be time to kick it up a notch. Ask yourself “could I do more, push harder? Am I following progressive overload?”
Want a strength training program to get started? Grab your free 7-day at-home and gym workout plan.
3. To lose belly fat, food choices matter.
While we’re not going for perfection or restricting any foods, it is important to be mindful of what and how much we are eating.
So, most of the time…
Eat a diet primarily of lean protein and low-fat dairy, plant-based foods, like fruits, veggies, whole grains.
Limit sugar, saturated fats, and processed foods.
Include healthy fats from fish (ie. salmon), olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds.
Keep an eye on those sugary beverages, too. Those calories add up quickly without a feeling of fullness, which can really derail your progress.
Drink more water instead.
4. To lose belly fat, opt for steady state cardio
Why steady-state cardio?
Steady-state cardio is less taxing on your body so you can recover quicker. This is especially important if you’re doing strength training several times a week (which I hope you are).
Remember, to lose belly fat, you’re also in a calorie deficit. Steady-state cardio will be less fatiguing (while still burning calories) than a high-intensity cardio session so you’re more likely to remain consistent. And, consistency is critical for losing belly fat.
Maintain muscle
Steady-state cardio allows you to increase your calorie burn without excess stress on your body. And, therefore, maintain muscle mass!
Some examples of steady-state cardio are walking, biking, and swimming. Find one you love!
5. To lose belly fat (and gain muscle), get plenty of sleep
Food cravings
I can say with 100% certainty that when I don’t get enough quality sleep, my food cravings appear in full force while my willpower takes a vacation.
Out of my way… If there are snacks in the house, THEY ARE MINE! And, they will be gone in the blink of an eye.
Have you been there? Can you relate? These cravings come out of the woodwork for no apparent reason. Except…
Lack of sleep.
Lack of sleep is also seen as a stressor to the body, which causes our bodies to “hold on tight” to body fat.
Muscle repair
In addition to keeping our food cravings under control, our bodies rely on sleep to perform many functions. One such function is the repair of muscle tissue.
According to Pamela Peeke, M.D., professor of medicine at the University of Maryland and author of The Hunger Fix: The Three-Stage Detox and Recovery Plan for Overeating and Food Addiction, “Lack of sleep causes your hunger hormones to go haywire: It lowers the levels of leptin, which suppresses appetite, and increases ghrelin, which stimulates your appetite.”
To summarize...
Yes! Women over 50 can lose belly fat and here’s how:
- Create a calorie deficit
- Include strength training
- Follow proper nutrition
- Opt for steady-state cardio
- Get plenty of sleep
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