Is it possible to reverse aging?

Yes! While we cannot turn back the calendar, we can take actions that will improve our overall health, delay the onset of disease and allow us to remain independent.
No pills, no surgery required. All you need is your body…
and some dumbbells or resistance bands.
Who cares what age the calendar gives you as long as you feel GREAT! Strength training can reverse many of the symptoms of aging and leave you feeling GREAT – strong, energetic, and confident.
Symptoms of growing older
We are growing older. It is a fact of life and one we cannot change. However, we can change the speed at which we grow older and how we feel.
I just want to sit and watch TV or let’s go shopping!
How we experience growing older can be different. We may experience:
- Loss of energy
- Heart disease
- Weakened bones
- Loss of memory
- Aching backs
- Decreased activity
- Less independence
Although we may experience one or more of these, we have control over many of these symptoms and most can be slowed or reversed.
It’s never too late to reverse aging.
As George Burns put it, “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”
Health Span vs Life Span
So, what is the difference between health span and life span?
According to Merriam-Webster, health span is defined as the length of time that a person is healthy – not just a live.
As we all know, life span is the period of years we are alive.
In other words, the difference is quality of life (health span) vs just being alive (life span).
How loss of muscle impacts health span
As we lose muscle our ability to perform every day activities like getting in and out of the car with ease, carrying groceries from the car, climbing stairs and opening a can of beans will likely become more difficult. It can even impact our ability to remain independent.
Muscle mass decline
As a fit young adult your body weight may have been up to 50% lean muscle. By age 75, it could drop to 25%. We often see the biggest drop in muscle mass in our legs, which explains why it is more difficult to go shopping, stay active and even walk, and stand.
Reverse Aging with Strength Training Workouts
Strength training is the most effective type of exercise for building muscle and if you want to slow down the physical aging process (and who doesn’t?), strength training is a must.
Check out the following blogs for more info on strength training exercises:
Free at-home workout plans
If you haven’t already grabbed your free workout plans, grab them today. Start building muscle, increasing your strength and reversing the aging process.
- at-home workout
- minimal equipment needed
- 3 and 4-day per week options
- 25 – 30 minutes per day
Make sure you join my free Facebook group for women over 50 who want to build muscle, lose body fat and have more energy. You’ll get lots of tips and encouragement, free workouts and way more. I hope to see you in the group very soon!
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